DLG 6.1 The Evolution and Controversy of Birth Control
Definitions Rhythm Method=“A woman practices the rhythm method of birth control by learning to recognize the days she is fertile, and not having sex before and during those days”.(“Birth Control and…”) Artificial Insemination= The act of fertilizing a woman’s egg by injecting semen through a syringe. In-vitro fertilization= “a specialized technique by which an ovum, especially a human one, is fertilized by sperm outside the body, with the resulting embryo later implanted in the uterus for gestation.” (Dictonary.com) Surrogate Motherhood= “a woman who helps a couple to have a child by carrying to term an embryo conceived by the couple and transferred to her uterus, or by being inseminated with the man's sperm and either donating the embryo for transfer to the woman's uterus or carrying it to term.”(Dictonary.com)
History of Birth Control: 1839 Charles Goodyear invents condoms 1873 birth control is outlawed 1930 “Anglican bishops approve limited use of birth control.”(“A Brief…”) 1938 federal ban on birth control is ended 1951 people begin to try to use hormones in the production of contraception 1960 Birth control pill is approved by the FDA 1980’s “10.5 million American women are taking the Pill” (“A Brief…”)
Pros: Helps to stop over population Protects women’s freedom of choice for their bodies Helps families to have only the amount of kids they can afford to take care of Cons: Some people believe that over population can be solved in other ways Negative health effects caused by some forms of birth control
Church’s Viewpoint: The church believes that using contraception is wrong.(“Birth Control.”) Contraception includes: Sterilization Condoms Spermicides The pill Etc. The church believes this because contraception goes against the teachings in the Bible and goes against nature, because the natural purpose of sex is procreation. (“Birth Control.”) The church does however approve of Natural Family Planning “ In the broadest sense, natural family planning refers to methods of avoiding (or achieving) pregnancy that cooperate with a couple's fertility rather than suppress it through the use of drugs or contraceptive devices.”(Shivanandan) Because this method goes along with the body’s natural cycle it is deemed acceptable by the church.
The church also believes that artificial insemination and in-vitro fertilization are wrong because the procedures violate the respect owed to the human life.(Dietzen) The church also does not believe in surrogate Motherhood because “Any reproductive procedure which involves something other than aiding sex and pregnancy within the context of a married couple permanently committed to being the parents of this child together is something the Church insists misses the mark.”(Camosy) Furthermore the church believes that both of these methods go against the natural way God intended for babies to be made.
Activity Discussion: Each table gets a topic, discuss it as a group decide if you think it is morally right or if it goes against the dignity of creating a human life.
Works Cited “A Brief History of Birth Control.” Time Magazine. Time Magazine, Web. 3 March, “Birth Control.” Catholic Answers. Catholic Answers, Web. 3 March, “Birth Control and the Rhythm Method.” WebMD. WebMD, Web. 3 March, Camosy, Charles C. “Does the Catholic Church support the use of a surrogate mother to have a child?” Busted Halo. Busted Halo, Web. 3 March, use-of-a-surrogate-mother-to-have-a-child use-of-a-surrogate-mother-to-have-a-child Dictonary.com. Dictonary.com, Web. 3 March, Dietzen, Father John. “What does church say about artificial insemination?” Catholic Courier. Catholic Courier, 17 Dec Web. 3 March, church-say-about-artificial-insemination/ church-say-about-artificial-insemination/ Shivanandan, Mary. “The How and Why of Natural Family Planning.” Catholic Update. Catholic Updtate, Web. 3 March,