Eagle Bluff Parent Meeting
Eagle Bluff, here we come! Ninja Turtles Team – Advisors: Dillner, J. Holgate, Kilian, Most, Specht, Wagner, Weiers, – Monday, February 1 st to Wednesday, February 3 rd Power Rangers Team – Advisors: Borwege, Erickson, Langert, Parvey, Proshek, Rapp, Tripplett – Wednesday, February 3 rd to Friday, February 5 th The Flash Team Advisors: Anderson, Den Hartog, Helgerson, D. Holgate, Peterson, Schwartzkopf, Smith – Monday, February 8 th to Wednesday, February 10 th
Departure/Arrival Students will need to be dropped off no earlier than 7: 15 am in the lower parking lot of CEC. (Departure time is approximately 8:00 am) – All items(sleeping bag, suitcase, etc.) must be labeled with your child’s name. Arrival will be in the afternoon on the third day. Please call to hear a voic announcing the arrival time of that group.
A day in the life at Eagle Bluff Time of DayActivity 7:30 amBreakfast 8:30 to 11:30 amMorning Activity 12: 00 pmLunch 1:15 pm to 4:15 pmAfternoon Activity 5:00 pmDinner 6:30 pm to 7:30 pmNaturalist Program 7:30 pm to 9:00 pmEvening Activity 9:00 pm to 10:00 pmIn Dorm Rooms 10:00 pmLights Out
Possible activities at Eagle Bluff Pioneer Life Tree Tops High Ropes Snowshoeing Animal signs Group Challenges Winter Survival Camp Fire
What to pack? Winter gear (hats, mittens, scarves, boots, snow pants and winter coat OR snowsuit) Bedding (pillow, sleeping bag OR sheets & a blanket) Changes of clothes (long and short sleeves to layer, extra socks) Toiletries (deodorant, shampoo, soap, toothbrush & toothpaste, towel, washcloth, refillable water bottle)
What NOT to pack? Any of these items will be confiscated if found: electronics: mp3 players, ipods, hand-held video games, etc. student cell phones hair dryers or curling irons food, gum, candy, or beverages
Medications Mrs. Holgate will administer medication for the Ninja Turtles team. Mrs. Parvey will administer medications for the Power Rangers team. Mrs. Schwartzkopf will administer medications for The Flash team. ALL medication must be in the original packaging (prescribed and over the counter)
ALL medication needs to be placed in a Ziploc bag with any special instructions written down on a separate piece of paper. Please make sure to have the student’s name on the bag. ALL medications will be collected the morning of departure inside the horseshoe doors. Over the counter medications will be administered as needed. For parent chaperones on the trip, you can keep your child’s medications and personally administer if you choose.
Payment Payment Plan - Final 2 payments are due on November 16 and December 15 The Chip Shoppe will provide the profit earned when products are delivered and advisors will notify you of the balance due. In order to confirm your child’s trip, payments must be made by Friday, January 8.
Chaperones Cost for chaperones will be $130 (this includes Eagle Bluff meals/room/transportation and school background check) Chaperones participate in all activities Chaperones will be notified by Friday, December 4 th A separate chaperone meeting will be held prior to the trip.
Food Hall
Dining Room
Dorm Room Entry Area
Dorm Room Sleeping Area
Questions ??