1 Introduction & Handout Name, office, e mail Office hours: Mon 1-3 pm, Wed 1-3 pm, Thur 1-3 pm Text books (lecture & lab) Class schedule omitted: much biochemistry (CHEM 350), most neuro (Psychobiology 302), some hormones, defense mechanisms Guest lecturer: Dr. James Ferraro (4 lectures) Grading, exams, discussion paper, lab discussions (quizzes), lab reports Lab attendance: starts this week, compulsory Study questions
2 Figure 1-1
3 Tissue types Epithelial sheets, internal/external surfaces, glands, secretion/absorption, basement membrane, tight junctions Connective extracellular matrix, bone, fat, blood cells, fibroblasts Nerve conduct electrical impulses Muscle skeletal, cardiac, smooth, actin, myosin
4 Body fluid spaces fig 1-2
5 Body Water Spaces Transcellular water = water in bladder, GI tract, eyeballs, gall bladder, etc. for a lean, 70 kg male
6 Homeostasis (temperature control) fig 1-3
7 Homeostasis (error signal)
8 Homeostasis (general principles) fig 1-5
9 Temperature control (specific mechanisms) fig 1-6
10 Definitions Steady state: Stable condition requiring energy for its maintenance Equilibrium: Lowest energy state; no energy required to maintain Error signal: body returns towards, but not completely, to set point error signal is difference (set point – steady state)
11 Chemical messengers fig 1-7
12 Biological rhythms Annual: animal reproductive cycles Monthly: menstrual cycle Circadian: see next slide ~ Hours: hormonal fluctuations ~ Seconds: cardiac cycle
13 Circadian rhythms fig 1-8
14 Circadian rhythms (features) Free running rhythms isolate subject from environmental cues free running rhythm is ~ 24.5 hours pacemaker is suprachiasmatic nucleus in hypothalamus Entrainment environmental cue is light; range 23 – 27 hours Phase shifts jet lag; adjustment requires ~ 1 day per 2 hours of shift
15 Balance (general pattern) fig 1-9
16 Balance (general pattern) Balance: input = output (most substances over adult lifetime) Negative balance: input < output (muscle mass over adult lifetime) Positive balance input > output (fat over adult lifetime)
17 Sodium balance fig 1-10