Famous caves of Ukraine. Caves of Ukraine ► “Optimistichna” ► “Atlantida” ► “Krishtaleva” ► “Ozerna” ► There are many caves in Ukraine. There are 3 main.


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Presentation transcript:

Famous caves of Ukraine

Caves of Ukraine ► “Optimistichna” ► “Atlantida” ► “Krishtaleva” ► “Ozerna” ► There are many caves in Ukraine. There are 3 main areas where they situated: Crimea, the Carpathians and Podillya. I’ll tell you about 4 caves in Podillya:

Cave “Optimistichna” ► It was discovered in ► It is the longest cave in the world: it has multi-tiered passages which have a lengths over 200 km. ► There are magnificent stalactite and stalagmite formations, like this:

Cave “Atlantida” ► It was discovered and explored in 1968 by Ukrainian speleologists. It is situated near village Zavallya near Kamenets-Podolskiy. ► It is 2525 m length and has a square of 4440 m^2. ► It is famous due to it’s crystal formations, like this: ► Here you can see the scheme of this cave:

Cave “Krishtaleva” ► It was discovered in 1721 but was explored only in 20 th century. ► Many people think that it is the most beautiful cave in Ukraine due to it’s magnificent crystal formations. ► It has a length of 23 km and 3 km is opened for visitors.

Cave “Ozerna” ► It is situated near village Strilkivtsi near Kamenets- Podolskiy. ► It was discovered in 1940s. It’s name is “Ozerna” due to lakes, that occupy 1/3 of it’s square. ► This is one of the longest caves of the world: it’s length is near 115 km.