Codata proposal for euroCRIS Global Science Initiative Commons Project common European project CODATA can offer euroCRIS, CRIS community an international tribune to: Identify network of expertise Promote their project in other countries than Europe Promote CRIS to sit at International organizations in order to represent the voice of Europe To promote CERIF concept To make CRIS and its members participate to the GICSI project
First Steps Participant to the forthcoming Biannuel CODATA meeting 6-8 Oct 2008, Kiev, Ukraine (abstract deadline 1 st Feb. 2008) Organizing special sessions in this meeting euroCRIS: CRIS for European Infrastucture CRIS - The Common European Reseach Information Format Model (CERIF)
Second Steps Become members of CODATA to have a chance to participate to decision making processes in this International body To promote European point of view on the International scene