Act V English IV L. Mercado
The Famous “Sleepwalking” Scene Lines – The Confession –“one: two: tis time to do” = bell ringing –“A soldier and afeard?” = chastising of Macbeth –“blood in the old man” = killing of Duncan –“Thane of Fife had a wife” = murder of Macduff’s family
Sleepwalking Shakespeare uses this as a way to reveal the extent of Lady Macbeth’s mental disturbance. Takes place during a type of sleep known as REM (rapid eye movement) Talkers generally mumble
Sleepwalking Most walking occurs in children between the ages of 11 and 14. Shakespeare is not presenting an accurate picture of a sleepwalker. Yet actress kill for this role!
Notice the language! In earlier scenes, Lady Macbeth speaks in blank verse like the others. –rhymes Now she is speaking in prose. –Does not rhyme Shows her mental breakdown.
Foreshadowing Scene 2, line 1-7 (p. 342) –Macbeth has established a stronghold at Dunsinane. –The rebels are gathered in Birnam Wood –The witches’ prophecies is misleading!
Irony Scene 3, lines 7-10 (p. 343) –The thanes are rebelling against the king. However, they are actually patriots forced into rebellion by the king’s treachery. –Theme - Deception
Macbeth: “I’ll fight till from my bones my flesh be hacked.” (l. 33 p. 344) Reminds the reader that he is a man of courage and that if he had not allowed his pride to become arrogance, he would have retained his honor. Confirms that he is the tragic hero.
Macbeth: “ I have almost forgot the taste of fears. … (ll p. 346) Reveals that he too has suffered a mental deterioration. He is incapable of normal human emotion when he hears of terrible events.
Macbeth: Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow… signifying nothing. (ll p. 346) The candle represents life. Macbeth is suggesting that life itself has no more worth than the shadow cast by a candle and that it should be snuffed out.
Siward’s death Old Siward’s speech (ll p. 350) –He is proud that his son faced death as a man. –He was twenty years old –“knelled is knolled” – I have grieved and now life goes on.
The final speech Malcolm is the last to speak –In Shakespeare’s play the last person to speak is always the person who will be king –He brings order to chaos.