1 Click Enterprise Wide Data Access to Real Time Data from Windows and Non Windows(Smart Phones) No Client Licensing No DCOM Very Low Bandwidth No Impact on Windows Registry Works with any browser MEANS MUCH LOWER COST OF ACQUISITION AND MAINTENANCE Access OPC Servers, Databases, Direct Access To Devices, Other Applications, Competing SCADA Systems become Data Sources for OPC Systems. Deliver the data to Any Screen, Database, Application, Person that you need it delivered to (Windows or Non-Windows Smart Phones, MACS’ Linux etc. anything that works with a browser)
1 Click SCADA and Automated HMI Can use any Graphics Builder. Some of our Customers use (Photoshop, Solidworks, Coral Draw, AutoCAD, Expression Blend, Blender 3D. and many more). Build as realistic graphic as you want and then make it come to life with 1 click Converts 1000 clicks into 1 click. With 1 click you can assemble (HMI, Alarm Screens, Trend Screens, and Data Logging)
Data Logging Scan 10,000,000 tags per second Log up to 1,000,000 tags per second to an open database format Real Time Data that is directly delivered to anywhere in the enterprise in an open format to SQL, Oracle, Access, My SQL, CSV file Format Real data is the most valuable data in the enterprise Not touched by humans(pure) Arrives instantaneously (making you more competitive with quicker reliable decisions)
Programmatic Interface Allows Prospect/Customer to leverage their existing investment in applications, algorithms, industry specific methods etc. Do not need to redesign to fit our application, our application(OPCSystems.NET) is built to accommodate the best of what you offer. Allows you (or our team) make changes to our application to fit your needs
HMI Database Trend Alarm Report Expanded OPC