Status Report 3 Sean Aluoto Eric Werner Anthony Keeley
Overall Project Status Still Behind Schedule UI Almost complete Functionality for the ISSys is coming along as well as TSSys Only a single release will be given to the client.
Sean’s Status Classes Test, Question, Answer / Revised Functionality Testing Services System Login (user verification / retrieval) Demographics Test Selection Writing Placement Test What’s next Math Placement Functionality (Testing System) Reading Placement Functionality (Testing System) More testing & debugging
Eric’s Status Database Revised the database to reflect changes Classes User(Revised) Database Interaction Writing/Reading Images Functionality Registering Users New students and test days Existing students and test days Administration Users Reports Student data forms
Tony's Status Working on administration program UI skeleton completed Test creation/modification functionality not complete Incorporating system functionality calendar almost fully implemented combining others work into UI Working out minor bugs as they arise Database Helped test database creation scripts What's next Continue to integrate functionality into administration program Assist rest of team with integration testing