World War I Weapons and Technology
Let’s Review: What Did a WWI Battle Look Like? 2. Men go “over the top” and into No Man’s Land. 1.Launch heavy artillery (bombard -ment).
Video Break: What a WWI Battle Looked Like
WWI Weapons
Rifle Main weapon used by soldiers. 15 rounds could be fired in a minute. Deadly up to 600 yards (1/3 of a mile).
Artillery Large guns. Caused the most deaths and injuries in WWI. Could shoot up to two or three miles. Critical in trench warfare. Why?
Machine Gun Caused many casualties in WWI. Made it difficult to attack positions because the guns weren’t portable. Used more for defense. Overheated easily.
How did the Machine Gun Change Warfare? Made horse-mounted cavalry (Remember the Napoleonic Wars clip?) obsolete (no longer useful; out of date). Could wipe out waves of attackers and so it made it very hard for forces to advance.
Gas First uses of gas in war. Initially was shot out and wind carried the gas. Later there were shells that released gas. Had some horrific effects, but didn’t play a huge role in deciding the war (only 3% of combat deaths were due to gas).
How Did Gas Change Warfare? The number of non-fatal casualties was high. It was impossible to develop very effective protections against gas attacks, so gas became one of soldiers’ greatest fears.
Tanks Developed in 1916, but didn’t become an effective tool in battle until 1918.
Video Break: Tanks
How did Tanks Change Warfare? Basically, it put an end to trench warfare. Just FYI (No need to write this down): By World War II, the tank had evolved to a fearsome weapon which made the trench obsolete.
Submarines World War I was the first conflict in which submarines were a serious weapon of war. Attacked warships (which carried men, weapons, and supplies) using torpedoes. On 22 September 1914, the German U-9 sank the British warships HMS Aboukir, Cressy, and Hogue in a single hour. During World War I more than 5,000 Allied ships were sunk by U-boats. Unrestricted submarine warfare will get Germany in trouble later in the war and will be a factor in U.S. entry to the war.
How Did Submarines Change Warfare? Provided a new way to destroy enemy ships carrying important cargo (i.e. men, weapons, and supplies)