Accountability to Affected Populations 8 December 2015
What is Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP)? Accountability to affected populations is an active commitment to use power responsibly by taking account of, giving account to, and being held to account by the people humanitarian organizations seek to assist.
Taking Account Giving communities meaningful influence over decision making in a way that is: 1.Inclusive; 2.Non-discriminatory; and 3.Accounts for the diversity of the communities. Organizations and humanitarian actors need to incorporate this feedback into their strategies and into their responses to a crisis!
Giving Account Information sharing in an effective and transparent way across communities What kind of information? Agencies and their roles and responsibilities Entitlements and targeting criteria How to provide feedback or raise complaints
Being Held to Account Ensuring communities have the opportunity to assess and, where feasible, alter or sanction humanitarian actors’ actions. Consulting communities on what they think about the quality of the response Involving communities in the monitoring of programmes Incorporating communities’ views on success and impact of intervention in any evaluation
A note on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse When in connection with aid provision is the most serious breach of accountability. Populations should be able to: Raise complaints Call for appropriate measures against such abuse Be informed of the results of investigations on these complaints
Making AAP Operational Project Design Implementation Monitoring Assessment/ Evaluation
Assessment Planning Phase Include AAP in job descriptions, staff development, appraisal mechanisms Inform local communities well before assessment takes place Ensure communications are translated into local languages and adequate interpretation support exists Gain understanding of the local culture, customs and beliefs
Assessment Phase Invite representatives of local community to participate in the assessment Allow for separate and confidential discussions with different community groups (women, children, elderly, disabled) Discuss needs and priorities of community groups Implement feedback mechanisms; inform populations how they function
Project Design Phase Share assessment findings with community, local authorities, and the cluster Ensure assessment results are used in design of projects Involve local community in project design If recruiting additional staff locally, advertise openly
Project Implementation Phase Invite representatives of local community groups for developing criteria for selection of beneficiaries Inform about and implement complaints and response mechanism Use feedback mechanisms Form a food distribution committee of local community representatives Inform local communities in advance of date and location for food distribution, security allowing
Project Monitoring Phase Invite local community representatives to take part in the monitoring process Share and discuss findings with local communities Adjust project design according to community feedback
All Phases (Mainstreaming) All affected populations have access (physical, cultural) to planning, design, implementation, and monitoring phases Affected populations have opportunity to register complaints, provide feedback and get a response during all phases