Get out your supplies to be checked off Composition Notebook Binder Pen/Pencils Highlighter
TUESDAY 9/11: Notebook Set Up Take out your class notebook Start by numbering each page in the upper right hand corner NOT THE BACKS!
On the inside cover Put a copy of the Proofreader’s Marks on the inside cover. Tape, glue, staple, etc. Cut around the edges or fold in so it fits.
This is on page one: Your name English ____ Period ___ Villalobos Feel free to make this a creative page…but it still needs the above information.
Table of Contents (this is on page two) Cover pagep. 1 Table of Contents p. 2 Journal p Mugshots p Notesp Literary Terms p Vocabularyp Misc.p. 76 +
Tabs! On the correct page numbers, begin each section. Use a post-it note to show where each section begins. Only have the post-its stick out a little bit, otherwise they will tear May want to reinforce with scotch tape
Pass Pouch? Passes 3 Late for this semester, 3 bathroom (unless 4 th period). These are like cash. Do not lose! Some students have found it helpful to make a pouch for your passes to keep them safe. Back cover maybe?
Remember… This notebook is only for English. This notebook should be with you every day for the rest of the year. It must be a composition notebook. Write only on one side of the paper if using pencil…use pen if writing on both sides of the page.
First notebook exercise Open up to journal section Put today’s date 9/11 Topic: Reflection on 9/11
Topic “This I Believe” Answer the following questions in ½ page or more: What do you believe in? What is important to you?