Welcome to Mrs. Mobh’s 4 th grade class! Take a moment to write a goal you have for your child this school year on the card. Your child has left you with a piece of their BEST work. Please take a sticky note and tell them know your thoughts.
All About Fourth Grade Class of 2023 Mrs. Mobh’s Class Armstrong Elementary
Meet Mrs. Mobh Early Days College Days Current Days
Khan Academy
Topics to be Covered: Background and Philosophy of Education Armstrong Beliefs Expectations Curriculum Important Dates Homework Technology Expectations Report Card Important Information Class Information Talented and Gifted Information Summary
Philosophy of Education My main goal is to help children become lifelong lovers of learning by: Encouraging risk-taking Meeting students where they are Engaging students in active discovery of new knowledge through the use of technology Becoming young people who care and do their BEST
At Armstrong… We believe * Children’s passions are fostered through social, emotional and intellectual experiences, * Children deserve a safe, nurturing, and child-centered environment, and * Engaging children through choice in collaborative and independent work makes them feel successful. Therefore, Our vision is * For parents, teachers, and students to create a learning community where all children reach their individual pote ntial.
Class Social Contract: Values and Principles Rules Bucket Fillers and Not Bucket Dippers Consequences
Curriculum: 4 th Grade Reading : BLB Students must read for 30 minutes per day at home and record in reading log (online) Reading RewardsReading Rewards JAM Journal/Problem Solving Writer’s Notebook Spelling-Personal Spelling Lists Projects: Penny Book, ABC Non-Fiction, Number Project Time for Kids Magazine Dynamath Social Studies Weekly Counselor visits once a month PAWS organization for fourth graders
Important Dates: September 22Conferences October 8Symphony Field Trip November?Bunker Sands Part 1 February 17-20Writing Camp March STAAR Writing April 21STAAR Math April 22STAAR Reading May?Bunker Sands Part 2 May 27Recognition Program
Homework: Monday-Thursday: About an hour every night Regulars: Language Arts, Math, 30 minutes of reading Thursday night-Show, Not Tell and Study for Spelling Weekend- Encouraged to read They MUST master multiplication facts – please work with them at home Agenda and Communication Folder-Parent Communication (Friday folders will be the Yellow Communication Folders) At home, set time and place for homework Website Website
Technology Expectations: Several projects require the use of internet resources at school and at home Research: Penny Book, ABC Non-Fiction, Number Project Portal Information available on the website Moodle Class documents Student forums Friday Website Updates
Grading System: Students will be assessed on scale. 3 – Mastery of Learning Target a child can independently tie their shoes with mastery 2 – Approaching Mastery of Learning Target A child can tie their shoes with help 1 – Insufficient Progress Even with help, a child cannot tie their shoes X – Target is Not Assessed at this Time Standards Based Report Card
Important Information : Please check calendar when planning doctor’s appointments or family trips Please give notice if you are picking up child early Conference time is 9:20-10:20 (except Mondays and Thursdays- team meetings) Meet with team weekly to plan/discuss; consistency Promptness is important- 7:50 Library is open from 7:50-8:25 and 3:00-3:30 for checkout
Continued… Lunchroom procedures Ice cream release time: 12:40 Includes birthday treats Parents may come to eat at white tables with their child only No balloons in the building No animals in the school or on the school grounds No nuts in our classroom
Class Information : Friday folders-Change in policy GAMES on Fridays Restroom and clinic visits Recess or games daily Friday Readers QUESTIONS???
Before you leave… Goals Take Folder
Last Comments: If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me via hpisd.org or in person. Thank you in advance for all of your support. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach your child. I consider it truly an honor!