Changes Positives Better quality of life Plentiful jobs Negatives Human suffering Unhealthy conditions Child labor Class tensions
Rise of Cities Earn more money working in factories –Heat homes with coal –Eat better food –Wear nicer clothes
Cities cont. Urbanization – movement of people to cities – cities of 100,000+ more than doubled –Factory System
Cities cont. Living conditions –Cities grew TOO rapidly No developmental plans, sanitary codes, building codes Lacked housing, education, and police
Cities cont. Unpaved streets with no drains No garbage collection Poor housing Sickness widespread –Average life span – Urban 17 years, rural 38 years
Cities cont. Well-to-do merchants / factory owners –Built large homes in suburbs
Cities cont. Working conditions –14 hour days –6 days a week Became very mundane (same thing day after day) –Many dangers (no regulations) –Women and children employed cheapest
Class Tensions Rise of the middle class – skilled workers, professionals, businessmen, wealthy farmers –Many grew wealthier than traditional landowners / aristocrats –Looked down upon for “working” for their money
Tensions cont. As middle class grew – divided –Upper – gov’t employees, doctors, lawyers, factory managers –Lower – skilled workers, toolmakers, printers
Tensions cont. Working class (laborers) –Little improvement in living and working conditions –Many machines replaced Workers formed groups – damaged machines and rioted outside factories
Positive Effects 1.Created jobs 2.Wealth of the nation 3.Fostered growth and invention 4.Increased production of goods 5.Raised standards of living 6.Provided hope of improvement
Other Effects Healthier diets Better housing Cheaper clothing Expanded educational opportunities Middle and Upper Classes enjoyed these
Working Class Labor Unions –Eventually brought better conditions Shorter hours Higher wages Safer conditions
Long Term Effects Industrialized nations Tax Revenues invest in urban renewals Child Labor Laws –Factory Act 1818 – restricted working age and hours