1 User Pays Non-Code Services – Contract Change Process Summary A Contract Change Proposal (CCP) is submitted. The Contract Change Register (CCR) is updated The CCP goes out for consultation for 20 days If all agree the Change can proceed and the Contract will be updated. If there is a challenge, a meeting is held. If the Change proceeds a further 20 consultation period occurs The Change is approved where no objections are received. The Change is rejected if one party objects. The Contract Change Register will be updated as the Change progresses. All Contract Managers will be notified of updates to the CCR, and of the publication of any updated versions of the Contract. The Contract will describe within it the mechanism for changing the Contract. The Contract will be amended in accordance with this mechanism.
2 1. CCP receipt, acknowledgement and publication ProposerxoserveContract Managers xoserve website Submit CCP CCP completed correctly Receive rejected CCP Log CCP (create reference number) Send acknowledgement (D+1 from receipt) Publish CCP on website (CCP register) (D+1 from receipt) Notify CMs of CCP publication. (D+1 from receipt). (Consultation period commences) CCP Register (updated throughout the Process) Receive notification Receive acknowledgement No Yes
3 2. CCP response process xoserve Contract Managers xoserve website Submit CCP objection with reason Acknowledge CCP Response (D+1) Receive acknowledgement Log CCP response (D+1) Consultation closes 20 Business Days from CCP submission to CMs. No further representations accepted after this date. Compile CCP responses (Consultation close + 5 days) Publish on website (Consultation close + 5 days) Notify CMs of publication of responses to CCP (Consultation close + 5 days) Receive notification Publish Publish on CCR. (D+1) Publish objection(s) (unless confidential in which case publish that objection received)
4 xoserve Contract Managers xoserve website 3. CCP outcome Count responses recording those objections “against” the CCP CCP proposal supported by 100% of respondents See Process 3.1 CCP proposal not supported by 100% of respondents See Process 3.3 Determine next steps
5 xoserve Contract Managersxoserve website 3.1 CCP Proposal supported by 100% of respondents NO further objection to proposed change Notify CMs of proposed Contract Change including requirement to object within 5 Business Days Receive notification Consultation closes 5 Business Days following notification to CMs. No further representations accepted after this period. No objections received. Amend contract Publish amended Contract, and notification of effective date (1 st of Month following 30 day notification or as otherwise agreed) “Live” date: Publish revised version of “live” contract on Website Update CCP register END Published contract Published contract Updated CCP register
6 xoserve Contract Managersxoserve website 3.2 CCP Proposal supported by 100% of respondents BUT further objection to proposed change Notify CMs of proposed Contract Change including requirement to object within 5 Business Days Receive notification Submit objection to proposal Submitted Within 5 Business Days Receive rejected objection Acknowledge (D+1) No Yes Go to Process 3.3 Publish on website (D+1) Notify CMs of published objection. (D+1) Receive acknowledgement Receive notification Published objection
7 Page 1/4 Process feed xoserve Contract Managers xoserve website 3.3 CCP Proposal NOT supported by 100% of respondents (see Process 2) (or objection received from process 3.2) Compile detail of responses (Consultation close + 5 days) Publish on website (Consultation close + 5 days) Notify CMs of publication of responses (Consultation close + 5 days) Receive notification Process 3.2 Objection to contract change Convene meeting (Consultation close + 5 days) and with 10 days notice) Publish minutes (meeting + 5 days) Proposal to continue Process 2 CCP response summary No (proposal withdrawn) Yes Go to page 2/4 CCP closed Update CCP register Notify CMs End Published responses Published minutes Updated Register Published details Receive Notification of closed CCP
8 Proposer xoserve Contract Managers xoserve website 3.3 CCP Proposal NOT supported by 100% of respondents (or objection received from process 3.2) Notify of consultation commencement on proposal (Meeting + 5 days) Proposal proceeds unamended? Page 2/4 Yes from page 1/4 Revise proposal No Submit revised Proposal (meeting + 5 days) Publish consultation Receive notification 20 day consultation period Go to page 3/4
9 xoserve Contract Managers xoserve website 3.3 CCP Proposal NOT supported by 100% of respondents (or objection received from process 3.2) Page 3/4 Submit CCP objection with reason Acknowledge CCP Response (D+1) Receive acknowledgement Log CCP response (D+1) Compile CCP responses (consultation close + 5 days) Publish on website (consultation close + 5 days) Notify CMs of publication of CCP responses (consultation close + 5 days) Receive notification Publish Count responses recording those “for” and “against” (consultation close + 5 days) Go to page 4/4 From page 2/4 Consultation closes 20 Business Days from CCP submission to CMs. No further representations accepted after this date. Publish response D+1) Publish objection(s) (unless confidential in which case publish that objection received)
10 xoserve Contract Managers xoserve website 3.3 CCP Proposal NOT supported by 100% of respondents (or objection received from process 3.2) Page 4/4 From page 3/4 Count responses recording those objections “against” the CCP CCP proposal supported by 100% of respondents CCP proposal not supported by 100% of respondents Determine next steps Amend contract Publish amended Contract, and notification of effective date (1 st of Month following 30 day notification or as otherwise agreed) “Live” date: Publish revised version of “live” contract on Website Update CCP register END Published contract Published contract Updated CCP register CCP closed Update CCP register Notify CMs End Updated Register Receive Notification of closed CCP