CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Doppler-Limited Spectroscopy with a Decade- Spanning THz Frequency Comb
Dan Holland, Caltech PhD Thesis, (2014)
Crocket, N. A.; et al. Astrophys. J. 2014, 787, 112. Astrochemistry: Precision Needed
Saykally, Richard J., and Geoffrey A. Blake. "Molecular interactions and hydrogen bond tunneling dynamics: Some new perspectives." Science (1993): θ (degrees) THz Spectroscopy of Molecular Clusters: Precision Needed RH08 Brandon Carroll
Spectroscopy in the THz Pulsed THz (Time Domain THz) Continuous Wave High Precision (< ) Low Bandwidth (0.2 THz) Low Precision (10 -5 ) High Bandwidth (>10 THz)
Frequency Combs: Nobel Prize in Physics 2005 (J. Hall, T. Hansch) 1/
Finneran, Ian A., et al. "Decade-Spanning High-Precision Terahertz Frequency Comb." Physical Review Letters (2015):
THz Emitter +V Photoconductive Material 800 nm (no CEPS) THz (CEPS) ~50 fs ~1 ps CEPS = Carrier Envelope Phase Stabilized
Finneran, Ian A., et al. "Decade-Spanning High-Precision Terahertz Frequency Comb." Physical Review Letters (2015):
Time Domain THz Spectroscopy: Detection DETECTION PHOTODIODES WOLLASTON PRISM 800 nm pulse THz pulse time λ/4ZnTe
Finneran, Ian A., et al. "Decade-Spanning High-Precision Terahertz Frequency Comb." Physical Review Letters (2015):
Start Lap 1 Lap 2 Asynchronous Optical Sampling 800 nm pulse THz pulse time
Limits of the Comb >21,000 pulses 107 seconds lab time with 200 Hz offset Equivalent to 40 km delay line at Mach 1.1! Finneran, Ian A., et al. "Decade-Spanning High-Precision Terahertz Frequency Comb." Physical Review Letters (2015):
Comparison with other THz combs Bandwidth (THz)Precision # Teeth This work 2.3 Hsieh et al ,000 7,600 Rösch et al Finneran, IA, et al. Physical Review Letters Hsieh, YD, et al. Scientific reports Rösch, M, et al. Nature Photonics 2015.
Doppler-Limited Water Vapor: RMS = 92 kHz Finneran, Ian A., et al. "Decade-Spanning High-Precision Terahertz Frequency Comb." Physical Review Letters (2015): − − − 2 12
Conclusions THz comb has sufficient precision for astrochemistry and cluster spectroscopy. Precision could be improved for applications in metrology!
Acknowledgments The Blake Group NSF Professor Jun Ye