Sigmund Freud Explorer of the Unconscious
Who is this Freud guy? Spent most of his life in Vienna, Austria Discovered the unconscious through hypnosis Intensely studied dreams as a window to the unconscious Developed psychoanalysis therapy - “The talking cure”
Freud’s Main Beliefs 1.Childhood experiences determine adult personality. 2.Unconscious mental processes influence everyday behavior. 3.Conflict causes most human behavior. Freud’s beliefs became the basis of the Psychodynamic Theory
Psychodynamic Theory Definition: Personality theory that considers behavior to result from psychological dynamics that go on within the individual, often beyond conscious awareness. To understand someone's personality, investigate the symbolic meanings of behavior and deep inner workings of the mind Early experiences with parents shape personalities
Freud’s Theory of Personality Personality is made up of 3 parts Id Ego Super Ego Each has its own governing principle The balance and interaction of these creates our personality.
ID EGO SUPER EGO Present at birth Completely unconscious- ego links Id to reality Develops over time Conscious and unconscious As we mature: 1 st external-parents 2 nd internal-self control Conscious and unconscious Wants gratification Gets it thru reflexes or fantasy (“wish fulfillment” dreams) Must balance and compromise b/t Id and Super Ego Controls thinking and reasoning Acts as a conscience Observes and guides the ego
Id Pleasure Principle: Try to obtain immediate pleasure and avoid painEgo Reality Principle: Use reasoning to delay satisfying the Id until it is safe and appropriate Super Ego Morality Principle: Strives for perfection; rewards and punishes the ego appropriately for decisions made
Freud’s Personality Iceberg
In your notes, explain Freud’s Iceberg Theory in your own words. Share your ideas with a neighbor.