1Robofest Robofest 2006 “Inspiring Young Minds to Master the Machine.” Judging Guideline CJ Chung Lawrence Technological University
2Robofest Welcome to Robofest 2006 Little robots, Big Missions
3Robofest Agenda 1. Exhibition Judging Guidelines 2. Game Inspection Judging Guidelines 3. Game Judging Guidelines 4. Game Judging Training Using Flash Animation
4Robofest Three Judge Types Exhibition Judges Number of teams / 4 Exhibition Head Judge: Final decision of Judge’s awards for exhibition category Game Judges Number of official tracks x 2 Game Head Judge: Final decision of any dispute Game Inspection (& Programming) Judges Number of teams / 4 or 5 Game Inspection Head Judge
5Robofest Awards and Qualification to World Robofest by Judges! Game Judges Exhibition Judges Game Inspection Judges Judge’s Awards Presentation Awards Judge’s Awards Performance Awards: directly from your game scores 30%
6Robofest Exhibition Judging Score Keeper (in Excel) 1 Exhibition Head Judge & Exhibition Judges (Working as a group) teamID Total comments _____ ____ ________ Judge’s awards - Final Judge’s Awards See Exhibition Competition advancement rules PRESENTATION teamID Scores comments _____ ____ ________ … R&C INSPECTION Team ID: ____ Robot Insp. Score: __ Code Insp. Score: __ n k n: number of teams k: number of judges Head Judge
7Robofest Roles of Exhibition Judges Before the Opening Ceremony Visit each team table for the basic robot inspection; Be familiar with the exhibitions Collect hard copy of programs During the official presentation Watch the demos carefully and score them Score presentation and answer a question Anytime before the game final Visit team tables to interview with teams Inspect program code Meeting with Exhibition Head Judge
8Robofest Responsibilities of Exhibition Head Judge Anytime before the game final Meeting with Exhibition Judges Collect forms, sheets, and program hard copies Check the forms Before the award ceremony: decide award winners as well as qualified teams to advance After the event, submit all the forms, sheets, hard copies to scorekeeper
9Robofest Exhibition Competition Advancement is Based on: Presentation (80%) Public Demonstration Performance (reliability) - 35% Originality (creative project ideas) - 20% Team Introduction and Answer of Question - 11% Project size, complexity and number of feature - 7% Usefulness - 7% Robot and Code Inspection (20%) Source Code Inspection Creative ideas in constructing robots New Technologies Used and Other Factors
10Robofest Exhibition Team's Responsibility During the Competition Exhibition team member must introduce her/his role and accomplishments using a microphone to Judges & the public within 15 seconds Max. 5 minutes presentation and demonstration of the project After the demo, they will also answer a question from the Official and they will have 45 seconds to answer. Interview with Exhibition Judges at team table
11Robofest Game Competition Judging n: number of teams m: number of official tracks Score Keeper (in Excel) Round 1Round 2 R&CI teamID Score comments _____ ____ ________ m 1 Game Judges Game Inspection Judges (Working as a group) Final PR teamID Score _____ PR teamID Score _____ … PS teamID Score PS teamID Score … nn PS teamID Score PS teamID Score … PS teamID Score PS teamID Score … m Performance awards Judge’s Awards Presentation Awards Inspection Head Judge R&C INSPECTION Team ID: ____ Robot Insp. Score: __ Code Insp. Score: __ n
12Robofest Roles of Game Inspection Judges Before the Opening Ceremony Basic robot inspection at Judge’s table Collect hard copy of programs During the official game competition rounds Watch the presentations and games Inspect program codes Visit team table for interviews, if needed Anytime before the game final Meeting with Exhibition Head Judge Submit inspection forms
13Robofest Responsibilities of Game Inspection Head Judge Right after the game final round Meeting with Inspection Judges Collect forms, sheets, and program hard copies Check the forms Prepare Game Head Judge’s final report and submit to Scorekeeper (SK) Work with Scorekeeper to decide Award Winners and Qualifying teams After the event, submit all the forms, sheets, hard copies to SK
14Robofest Game Competition Advancement is Based on the Following Data: Average Performance score - 80%* Team Public Presentation and Answer of Question -10% Robot & Code Inspection and Team Interview - 10% *Finalist Teams will use the average of their best two rounds
15Robofest Game Competition Judge’s Award Judging Game Inspection Judges inspect Robot and Program Code. Inspection Criteria are: Reliability Originality Creativity Functionality New technologies used Durability … Judges work off Judging Rubrics that are not made public
16Robofest Roles of Game Judges Before the Opening Ceremony Check the official tracks before opening ceremony Be familiar with all the game rules and rule updates During the game Score team presentations. Presentation Awards are decided by the average of the scores by them Maintain official tracks Check rule violations Score games – submit the sheet to SK
17Robofest Toxic Waste Cleanup Challenge Junior Division The brightness of the competition area is unknown
18Robofest Robot Specifications: You must use only one (8 bit micro-processor based) robot controller for each robot. You may use any number of sensors / sensor types. You may use any number/type of motors/servo motors You may use any material to construct your robot. You may use tape, glue, bolts and nuts, etc.
19Robofest Toxic Waste Cleanup Challenge - Senior Division
20Robofest Rules for Senior Division: Same as the Junior Division. JuniorSenior Recommended programming language Icon-based graphical language such as RCX code or RoboLab Text-based high-level language such as C, C++, PBasic, or Java CPU of the controller8-bit micro processor based Any The line on the 2 nd boardSolid lineDashed line (length of the gaps and lines unknown ) Number and location of the bottles Three; Two on the line and one inside the circle Four; Two on the line and two inside the circle. The distance between the inside two barrels will be at least 5”. Points for bottle(s) inside circle 16 or 2 (in case just contacted) 8 for each Number of gate bars12 (They are stacked. If only one is dropped off, 8 points will be awarded. No partial points) Unknown missionsSimpleMore challenging. It may require missions for both robots
21Robofest Rule Updates homepage Updates Clarifications FAQs Attached
22Robofest 2006 Game Rules: Two unknown missions will be unveiled right after opening ceremony. For each round, whenever the team is ready to compete, come to the on-deck circle, staging area with the robots 2 minutes per game are given 2 chances (rounds) are given for each team Only two players are allowed in the official playing field. One minute will be allowed for setup before each round Team members are responsible for catching the robot if it falls off; Check the track
23Robofest Game Judging Fundamental Concepts To get points for a specific mission, previous missions must have been achieved or partially achieved Exception: CleanupBot can be started manually, even if MuscleBot did not complete the job Points earned will not be lost, even if failed during the second try
24Robofest Team Players - In Case of Any Failure: Start the first robot from the beginning for perfect score if you have enough time, or Try or retry only the second robot by starting it manually. You may use the MuscleBot to send the signal (IR mail) to the CleanupBot.
25Robofest Extra Points: If absolutely no human help was given during the entire span of a game, then extra 5 points will be given. Flash Extra Points: 2 points – 1 st perfect score team 1 point – 2 nd perfect score team
26Robofest How to decide Game Performance Award Winners Game Competition Final Round Teams will be determined by the average of each team’s first and second round scores. Game Competition Performance Winners will be decided by the average of their best two runs. (The Final Round teams will have three scores, we take their best two scores to decide winners)
27Robofest Team's Responsibility on Robofest Day Prior to Opening Ceremony: Teams must have inspection before the competition begins Submit the hard copy of your program to judges during the inspection
28Robofest Game Team's Responsibility During the Game Competition In the competition round 1, each team member must introduce her/his name, grade, and role using a microphone to Game Judges & the public within 15 seconds Emcee will ask a question selected at random The team needs to answer the question within 45 seconds
29Robofest # of Teams Advance to the World Robofest 2006 Championships Top Teams at each Qualifying Site will move on to compete at World Robofest 16 Junior Game teams 14 Senior Game teams 10 Exhibition teams The number teams advancing from each site will be decided in proportion to the number of teams registered at each site. To be determined after registration closes on March 31
30Robofest Game Judging Training using Animations homepage You need 6 or 7 sheets to practice now
31Robofest Robofest Little Robots, Big Missions Thank You