The Early Childhood Outcomes Center and the EC General Supervision and Enhancement Grants Prepared for the OSEP National Early Childhood Conference Washington, DC February 2005 Kathleen Hebbeler SRI International
2 Goal of the Early Childhood Outcomes Center Promote the development and implementation of child and family outcome measures for infants, toddlers and preschoolers with disabilities that can be used in national and state accountability systems
3 ECO Center Staff SRI International Kathy Hebbeler, Donna Spiker, Sangeeta Mallik, Lauren Barton Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute Don Bailey, Lynne Kahn, Shelley deFosset, Robin Rooney Juniper Gardens Children’s Project Charlie Greenwood, Judy Carta, Dale Walker National Association of State Directors of Special Education Joy Markowitz University of Connecticut Mary Beth Bruder
4 Activities Consensus building Collaboration Technical assistance Research
5 ECO Work with the GSEGs Convened the Grantees in Nov 2004 Will host an outcomes meeting in April 2005 with a GSEG component Will host conference calls for GSEGs Ongoing individualized technical assistance as requested with any EC GSEG
6 ECO Work with the GSEGs Information on GSEGs posted on ECO web site ( Closed space on web site for GSEGs ECO is the fiscal agent for 3 of the grantees (Colorado, Florida and Hawaii) ECO will be working with several of the EC GSEGs as ECO pilot states