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Presentation transcript:


16/09/2015 LHC: back in operation Contribution to commissioning scenarios (with HSC) Preparation of optics for Run II Contribution to beam commissioning and machine co-ordination ABP General Group meeting - HSS2 Protons and ions First beams on Easter Sunday…

16/09/2015 Optics under control ABP General Group meeting - HSS3 Peak beta-beating below 10% for beta* between 40 and 80cm

16/09/2015 Second life for on-line model The Run 1 Java framework updated to follow the control system upgrades Aperture Meter and other apps online

16/09/2015 …with new applications and tools New Java library that interfaces all relevant data sources (LSA, logging and measurements DBs) to build LHC MADX models Optics, knobs settings, orbit, measured parameters, misalignments, magnetic errors, etc. It allows to build specialized tools quickly Modelling of orbit and beta beating Builds LHC MAD-X model corresponding to a given moment in time Performs special analyses, e.g., Q’ vs. MO strength

16/09/2015 SPS: still no need for action… No activities to mention, yet. But…collimation project will start taking part in studies for the SPS. ABP General Group meeting - HSS6

16/09/2015 PS: in good shape as usual… Contribution to overall beam commissioning and studies (with HSC). MTE commissioning: Identified source of fluctuations in beam trapping into stable islands The beam has been sent to SPS and extracted. It will be used for the FT physics soon, while optimisation continues in the PS and SPS ABP General Group meeting - HSS7

16/09/2015ABP General Group meeting - HSS Projects/studies: business as usual… Collimation: LHC activity - beam commissioning Commissioning of the system without and with beam New post-LS1 system: 30 collimators changed/added New BPM collimator design Successful commissioning of the system, very good cleaning performance. Strong support to OP for all new configurations. 8 BPM button

16/09/2015 Projects/studies: business as usual… HL-LHC WP2 (beam dynamics) Optics studies: New layout just released (HLLHCV1.2) Advanced concepts Tracking studies: Field quality of new magnets analysed and target error tables available Analysis of ripple in power converters DA computation for operational cycle ABP General Group meeting - HSS9 Now: contribution to the Technical Design Report

16/09/2015 Projects/studies: business as usual… HL-LHC WP5 (collimation) Strong participation to HiRadMat tests: tested 3 full collimator jaws, 1 for LHC and 2 for HL (new materials) Complete work for TDR, with updated baseline for DS collimation Improved design of hollow e-lens, started construction of gun to be tested at FNAL. WP8 (machine detector interface) Analysis of failure scenarios relevant for experimental insertions ABP General Group meeting - HSS10 Now: contribution to the Technical Design Report

16/09/2015 Projects/studies: business as usual… HL-LHC Ions: specification of beam parameters for input to LIU LIU-PS Coordination of activities Studies of resonance compensation in the PS (other activities in HSC or in collaboration with HSC) ABP General Group meeting - HSS11 Resonance 8Qv=50 excited by space charge: issue solved by changing the integer tune

Future Circular Collider (FCC) study FCC Horizon 2020 Design Study Proposal approved by EC ! addressing key aspects of FCC-hh FCC Week 2015 Washington DC 340 participants FCC study now: 61 institutes from 23 countries & CERN updated FCC-hh luminosity vs time over 24 h, 2 phases Goal: ~20 ab -1 over 25 years updated FCC-ee luminosity vs c.m. energy Site investigations: 90 – 100 km fits geological situation well LHC suitable as potential injector Site investigations: 90 – 100 km fits geological situation well LHC suitable as potential injector 2 reviews held in June 3 reviews in Oct. & Nov. FCC Week 2016 in Rome FCC-hh & FCC-ee: compatible layouts

16/09/2015 Computing: steady increase of activities MAD-X Service to the users Refurbishment of code New physics or improved models(required for new projects/studies) SixTrack Service to the users New physics or improved models (required for new projects/studies) (also with HSC) Incorporation of features of general interest developed by users for private versions Harmonisation of collimation version of SixTrack and standard version ABP General Group meeting - HSS13 Contributors are welcome! Google summer student programme provided efficient help!

16/09/2015 EuCARD-2 WP5 Extreme Beams Organized and co-sponsored Workshops in 2015 so far: Advanced Optics Control Advanced Optics Control (with XRING), CERN, FCC Week 2015FCC Week 2015, Washington DC, March 2015 Space Charge 2015, Oxford, March 2015 LLRF and Beam PhysicsLLRF and Beam Physics, Lund, 1-2 June 2015 LHeC 2015LHeC 2015, CERN & Chavannes, June 2015 Preparing for EDM measurements at storage ringsPreparing for EDM measurements at storage rings, Mainz, September 2015 Upcoming Workshops: Beam Dynamics meets DiagnosticsBeam Dynamics meets Diagnostics, Firenze, 4-6 November 2015 Polarization Issues for High Energy Circular Colliders, Rome, 16 April 2016 Energy Frontiers meet Precision Frontiers, Juelich, 2016 Focus: Future Frontiers in Accelerators “F 3 IA”, Germany,

16/09/2015 XRING+XCOLL joint workshop