REVIEW Mental health is generally agreed to be more than just the absence of a mental illness. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.
WARM UP Everyone will receive a sticky note. On the piece of paper write down one thing that you do that helps you relieve stress. Once you have finished come up and place you paper somewhere on the white board.
WHY IS POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH(PMH) IMPORTANT? Helps you deal with everyday events that unfold during your life. Mental Health Improves the Quality of Life Mental health strengthens and supports our ability to: have healthy relationships make good life choices maintain physical health and well-being handle the natural ups and downs of life discover and grow toward our potential
SOME EXAMPLES: Think positive Organize your time Value yourself Eat right Exercise Try new things Get enough sleep Make plans Set realistic goals Reward yourself Share concerns and worries with family and friends
CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATIONS 10 TIPS FOR MENTAL HEALTH 1. Build a healthy self- esteem 2. Receive as well as give 3. Create positive family relationships 4. Make friends who count 5. Figure out your priorities 6. Get involved 7. Learn to manage stress 8. Cope with changes that affect you 9. Deal with your emotions 10. Have a spirituality to call your own
WHAT IS STRESS? Stress – The body’s response to any type of change or challenge and to any new, threatening, or exciting situation. Physical - illness Social - arguments Intellectual – lack of understanding Emotional – death of close friend Spiritual – moral conflicts Financial – money problems
Exams!!!! I won’t go out with my friends this weekend I am going to clear my schedule so I make time to study I’m avoiding studying now Make time to study I feel prepared! I have failed exams before I know school is important My parents support me! I have failed exams before I know school is important My parents support me!
ACTIVITY Now it’s your turn to identify a stressor in your life. Fill in the steps of the cycle independently. We will discuss our cycles as a class when everyone is done.
CONCLUSION What is stress? In what ways can stress affect you? Name an example of stress Give three examples of how to deal with stress
NAME 5 THINGS THAT YOU’RE THANKFUL FOR! Family Friends Job Partner Pet