Photograms: Camera-less Photography
Objective: Students will learn how to make a photogram. (Photogram - a camera-less photograph made by placing an object or group of objects directly onto a sheet of photographic paper).
The objects and sensitized paper are exposed to light The objects and sensitized paper are exposed to light. The result is an image formed by light & objects. The objects block light from the paper, creating white shapes. Areas not blocked - exposed to light completely - are black.
What kinds of objects did these students bring to school?
What kind of objects did these students use?
How about these?
Steps to Making Your Photogram Come up with your idea. Create your plan for HW and bring objects to school. Get approval from Mrs. E to print. Take objects and directions into the darkroom. Create your test strip. Create your final photogram.
Questions??? What do you think your homework is??? All items must be school-appropriate! SO, NO Questions???