Conversation, Interviewing, and Interview Schedules By Uvaice Nasir
Conversation, Interviewing, and Interview Schedules Ethnographers constantly talk to locals and ask questions about observations. Ethnographers constantly talk to locals and ask questions about observations. Similar to participant observation and well informed informants Similar to participant observation and well informed informants Understanding the field language is crucial for field work. Understanding the field language is crucial for field work. Phases in learning the field language. Phases in learning the field language. Naming Naming Understanding and participating in a conversation Understanding and participating in a conversation Understanding public rapid fire dialog and group discussions Understanding public rapid fire dialog and group discussions
Conversation, Interviewing, and Interview Schedules Interview Schedule Talk face to face with informants Use a premade printed survey with questions to ask the population or a sample to gain qualitative and quantitative data. Gather information to have a census of the population(i.e. name, age, religion, diet, job, income, etc. ) Ethnographers also have interviews with the population, a sample, or informants for more in depth information, to get different insights of the cultural group from as many sources as possible; they write down all the information they are given. Use open ended questions
Conversation, Interviewing, and Interview Schedules Tend to be more indirect and impersonal; respondent often fill out form. Tend to be more indirect and impersonal; respondent often fill out form. Usually carried out within a literate population in which respondents can answer question themselves Usually carried out within a literate population in which respondents can answer question themselves More convenient for some respondents who wish to talk. More convenient for some respondents who wish to talk. Questionnaire
Conversation, Interviewing, and Interview Schedules Qualitative and Quantitative Data Gathered Comes from: follow up questions, interviews, observations, open ended question, gossip, and well informed informants Basic Information Data was acquired during the interview or by other means(i.e. questionnaires, surveys, census, interview, government reports, historical archives, etc ) Statistics
Is the information that we are getting hundred percent correct? Is the information that we are getting hundred percent correct? Is our information coming from a viable source? Everyone has a bias on many things Things to Keep in Mind