doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 1 Video Transport Streaming SG January Opening Report Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 2 Abstract This submission summarizes the VTS SG agenda for IEEE Taipei (January 2008) meeting.
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 3 Opening Report
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 4 Attendance Recording Sign-in at –“newton” is a local server, not reachable via a VPN –“newton” is active only during sessions First “sign in” to provide contact information –Only name and affiliation may be posted publicly, as per IEEE rules –No other personal information will not be publicly available Second, log attendance Since VTS is a Study Group, attendance recording is also done on paper. Please sign your name, affiliation and -id in the attendance sign-up sheet. The paper signed-in attendance will be transcribed into the meeting minutes.
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 5 VTS SG – January 2008 Call Meeting to Order Policies and Procedures, Attendance reminder: **IEEE Patent Policy Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard? Minute any responses that were given, specifically the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that were identified (if any) and by whom. ***Affiliation FAQ - Anti-Trust FAQ - Ethics - IEEE Policies and Procedures - and-proceedures.htm and-proceedures.htm IEEE 802 Policies and Procedures - procedures.pdfhttp:// procedures.pdf ** Read slide deck *** Note especially items #7 & #11
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission Essential Patents Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of this standard? Knowledge of essential patents from the SG members -- Essential patent knowledge that the WG chair needs to be aware of -- January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 6
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission Study Group – Operating Process Anyone can vote, move or second (no special voting right requirements) Attendance is recorded in a sign up sheet (in addition to the usual online attendance) and eventually added to the minutes. January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 7 Friendly Reminder -- Please turn your phones to “quiet” or “vibrate” mode.
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 8 VTS SG Goal(s) for Taipei 1.Complete VTS SG PAR/5C document, have the PAR/5C document approved by the SG, WG. 2.If goal-1 is accomplished by mid-week plenary then listen to proposal(s).
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 9 VTS SG Agenda Tuesday PM2 (16:00-18:00) *VTS SG Meeting Call To Order - Chair016:00 *Review IEEE/802 & Policies and Rules - Chair/All1016:10 *Approve or Modify and approve modified agenda - Chair516:15 MIReview and Approve All Minutes - Chair/All516:20 *Announcements (joint meeting with – )Chair516:25 DTPresentation (07/2977r3) – VTS SG Scope - All1016:35 DTBrainstorm on PAR Scope – questions/issues - All5517:30 DTUpdate VTS SG PAR/5C document (07/1972r11) - All2017:50 MIMove and Approve VTS SG PAR/5C documentAll1018:00 *Recess until Wednesday PM2 (16:00) - Chair 018:00
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 10 Minutes review Atlanta Minutes 07/2911r1 Teleconference Minutes 07/2946r2
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 11 Motion-1 Move to approve VTS SG Atlanta meeting minutes (document 07/2911r1). Moved: Todor Cooklev Second: Joe Kwak Vote: Approved Unanimously
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 12 Motion-2 Move to approve VTS SG November January 2008 teleconference meeting minutes (document r2). Moved: Todor Cooklev Second: Jun Li Vote: Approved Unanimously
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide VTS SG Meeting Agenda Wednesday PM2 (16:00-18:00) Meeting called to order Meeting preliminaries Update on PAR scope review Presentations – arguing the need to address multicast/broadcast enhancements in VTS SG (08/165r0) OBSS discussion – include the possibility of using non mechanisms, if available for AP-AP co-ordination SG vote on PAR scope statement Update PAR/5C document with the above scope Review 5C part of the PAR/5C document SG vote to approve PAR/5C document Joint meeting with (Jan 31 st 2008), Los Gatos, California. Other business Adjourn 5 minutes 40 minutes 70 minutes 5 minutes
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission Motion-3 Move to approve PAR/5C as specified in document /r11 and forward it to the WG for approval. Moved: Todor Cooklev Seconded: Alex Ashley Vote: 16/1/1 Motion Passes January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 14
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission March 2008 Joint Meeting Agenda Goal -- Identify and emphasize some of the topics that might be controversial, which can possibly be resolved easily. AVB overview – Michael Johas Teener [15] –Defended network –The 3 standards –Higher-level streaming protocols (IEEE 1722, RTP+) January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 15
doc.: IEEE /0074r1 Submission March 2008 Joint Meeting Agenda (contd) Applying AVB Standards to –15 minutes: 802.1AS time synch with v and higher-level – (Kevin Stanton) –15 minutes: 802.1Qat reservations – mapping to e TSPEC (Myron Hattig) –15 minutes: 802.1Qav traffic shaping over – proposed requirements (???) January 2008 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel CorporationSlide 16