1 Maintaining PBS Momentum Monthly PBS Coaching Meeting Module M – 2013 DC/District Name Here
2 PBS in Review In the beginning… PBS was NEW The team had PASSION There was excitement, enthusiasm and new ideas As time went by… Enthusiasm waned Burnout ensued The team felt overworked, overwhelmed, over-committed What Happened??? Does this story ring true for your PBS team?
3 Getting Back the Momentum Sustaining PBS Momentum and the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) 1.Administrative Commitment Items 1, 16, 28 2.Effective PBS Leadership Team Items Staff Commitment and Participation Items 4-6, 16, 21, 28, 33, 35-38, 40, 49 4.Student Buy-In and Involvement Items 27, 33, 38, 40, 46, 49 5.Family Participation and Support Items 34, 41 6.Regular Data Review Items 13-16, Planning for Next Year Have a copy of the BoQ available for each Coaching Facilitator
4 Administrative Support School-Based Administration (BoQ 1, 16, 28) 1.Clearly committed to PBS implementation 2.Attends all PBS meetings 3.Discusses PBS activities, data and progress at every staff meeting 4.Provides time and resources for PBS team to function effectively 5.Ensures and supports staff involvement in PBS implementation 6.Encourages family participation in PBS activities Discussion – What Happened? 1.What Administrative supports have been most beneficial for effectively implementing PBS on your campus? 2.In what areas would you like additional Administrative support? 3.What district supports might help address those concerns?
5 Effective PBS Leadership Team Maintaining a Healthy PBS Team (BoQ 2-3) 1.Established group norms 2.Ground rules developed and regularly reviewed 3.Roles/responsibilities assigned and rotated across all members 4.New team members recruited yearly and provided training 5.Experienced team members paired with new members 6.Shared goals developed and reviewed 7.Team members ‘recommit’ to PBS every year Discussion – What Happened? 1.What strategies have been effective in maintaining a healthy PBS team? 2.What barriers may be hindering a healthy PBS leadership team on your campus? 3.What administrative or district supports might help eliminate those barriers?
6 Sustaining Staff Support Staff Commitment (BoQ 4-6, 16, 21, 28, 33, 35-38, 40, 49) 1.Keep PBS novel and a priority across campus 2.Secure staff input on all aspects of PBS implementation (ownership) 3.Written process and procedures make PBS implementation easier (i.e., lesson plans, expectations and rules posted, reward and consequence systems well-defined, etc.) 4.Acknowledge staff for their participation and investment in PBS 5.Provide regular PBS updates (data, progress, student outcomes) Discussion – What Happened? 1.What strategies have been effective in maintaining staff buy-in? 2.What have been some barriers for maintaining staff commitment ? 3.What are some possible strategies to address those barriers? 4.What administrative or district supports might be helpful in eliminating those barriers?
7 Student and Family Involvement Students ( BoQ 27, 33, 38, 40, 46, 49) 1.Input on rewards and activities 2.Member of the PBS team or student PBS sub-committee 3.Participate in promoting PBS implementation on campus (Morning News, school paper) 4.Public recognition of behavioral achievements Family (BoQ 34, 41) 1. Encourage family input on rewards and activities 2. Member of the PBS team or PBS sub-committee 3. Participate in promoting and support PBS activities and events 4.Public recognition of family involvement in PBS Discussion – What Happened? 1.What strategies have been successful in securing student and/or family involvement and support in PBS activities? 2.What are some barriers to obtaining student and/or family involvement in PBS? 3.What district or administrative supports might be helpful in reducing those barriers?
8 Regular Data Review Data Review and Reporting (BoQ 13-16, 49-53) 1.Supports program development and implementation 2.Provides visual means to display behavior data outcomes and implementation fidelity 3.Avenue to solicit input from staff on areas of growth and areas in need of additional support 4.Conduct staff, student and family surveys Participatory program evaluation model = Ownership Strengthens staff buy-in Focuses efforts on problem areas Identify activities and/or intervention strategies 5.Leads to PBS Action Plan interventions
9 Florida’s RtIB Database
10 Florida’s RtIB Database
11 Florida’s PBSES Database
12 Florida’s PBSES Database
13 Florida’s PBSES Database
Time Regained with PBS “Cost/Benefit Worksheet”
15 Maintain Momentum Using Data Review District-Level Data 1.Insert behavior and implementation data across the district 2.Analyze district data in advance of meeting for trends, successes, areas in need of additional support 3.As a group, discuss data graphs and trends Review Individual School Data 1.Option 1: Have schools bring individual data to meeting Specify what data graphs you want them to bring 2.Option 2: Pull school data for each school prior to meeting PBSES: PIC, BoQ, ODRs/100, ISS/OSS/100, Attendance, etc. RtIB or District behavior database: Average referrals/day/month, referrals by grade, problem behavior, etc. As a group, analyze and discuss data for trends
16 Celebrate Discussion 1.Brainstorm ways to effectively share year- end data with staff, students and families 2.Share previous celebration activities/events 3.Brainstorm additional ways to celebrate successes at the school level. At the district level
No Magic Solutions Success !! Hard Work Collaboration DELEGATION TEAM Work !!
18 Planning for Next Year Possible Next Steps 1.Determine day/time for next year’s monthly PBS meetings 2.Schedule work time during pre-planning days 3.Secure Administrative support for meeting and planning times 4.Brainstorm ways to obtain staff, family, and student input 5.Ensure avenues for open, honest, effective communication to take place 6.Determine how you will share data and obtain feedback Who will pull and present the data When will the data be shared How will the data be presented – graphs, ppt., , posted, etc.
19 Action Plan Development Discussion 1.Make sure coaching facilitators bring their PBS Action Plan to the meeting 2.Based on the responses to the questions posed during this meeting, have coaching facilitators begin developing action plan steps for next year to address areas in need of support 3.Share final thoughts 4.Address questions 5.Next meeting?
20 Contact Information and Resources FLPBS MTSS Project Phone: (813) Fax: (813) Website: Facebook: FLPBS on Twitter: OSEP TA Center on PBIS Website: Association on PBS Website: