National Conference on Ministry to the Armed Forces (NCMAF) Project conducted by UMBC student Renee Becker
Who is NCMAF? Guarantees and supports religious freedom, of all faiths, including service members, veterans, and their families, of all branches of the military. No established theology - supports free exercise of all religions New Executive Director and staff. Executive Committee oversight Members consist of 150 Endorsers representing 150 different faiths Endorsers support military and VA chaplains
Methodology Purpose: Identify gaps between member opinion of organizational services and what services are actually performed by NCMAF. Method: Create and distribute a survey to all 150 members Four categories Member Services Mission and Values Level of Member involvement Demographics
Survey: Section One NCMAF Services
Section Two: Mission and Values
Section Three: Level of Involvement
Methodology: Data Analysis Frequency tables provided clarity on: Percentage of members unsure of what services are offered What is essential to the mission? How frequently activities should be performed? Values NCMAF should represent Correlations run on Level of Involvement with: Knowledge of current services offered Members’ opinion on NCMAF achieving its mission Correlations run on Opinion of NCMAF achieving its mission: Years in military Years as Endorser
Results and Recommendations Members do not have a clear understanding of the activities NCMAF performs. Represents chaplains mistreated by the military 44% Unsure 62% Essential to the mission 77% As often as possible Lobby on Capitol Hill on behalf of chaplains 48% Performed 41% Unsure
Results Conduct research on changing laws, procedures, etc. that affect member rights 62% Essential to the mission 98% Should be done 39% Unsure Educating members on current events that affect military chaplaincy 85% Believe they are kept up to date 13% Unsure Influence change on Dept. of Defense (and Veteran’s Administration) practices that restrict religious freedom 89% Essential to the mission 63% Believe NCMAF is doing 33% Unsure
Results - Fundraising & Fiscal Solvency Conducts fundraising events to raise money for causes that protect the free exercise of religion in the military Is it currently done? 20% Never 33% Yes (between monthly and annually) 46% Unsure Should it be done moving forward? 85% Yes 15% No Criticality of being done in the future? 15% Essential to mission 48% Important at times 31% Helpful but not essential to mission 6% Not important
Recommendations 1)Increased communication with members a)Advise the need to increase financial stability b)Explain what services are available to members c)Explain why some services are not possible to offer d)Offer ways to become involved 2)Webmaster a)Foster communication and collaboration 3)Public Relations Officer a)Increase usage and effectiveness of social media b)Increase awareness of NCMAF and fundraising efforts 4)Member assistance a)Contacts for webmaster and/or Public Relations Officer b)Fundraising efforts