1.Without talking, please get out your English binder. 2. Put your backpacks in the back of the room. 3. Sharpen your pencil if you need to. If you need a pencil, you may borrow one from my desk. 4. Have your binders out on your desk so that I may check them. 5. Begin writing down the vocabulary words and definitions. Vocabulary Words (September 3) 1.Terminate: to bring to an end 2.Surmount: to overcome; to rise above
Announcements *****Grammar Video 2 Due Tuesday, September 8. *****Lesson Check over Unit 1 Lessons 4-6 on Friday
15 minutes: Study your vocabulary.
Rereading Strategy Annotating a Text and Rereading in Order to Gain Understanding Break the text into chunks. Read the small section. Write down any key terms or concepts. Briefly summarize or write down main points. If you can’t fully summarize, write down what you know. If you understand everything make a judgement about what you’ve read. Add that to your annotation. Highlight the confusing portion. Reread that portion while choosing to either focus on a character or event or process. Ask yourself: What is important about this person or event? What does this person or event remind me of? What are some characteristics of this person or event? Add to your annotations.
Grammar Practice Sentence 1: Proper noun = Sara Common noun = mountain Action verb = climbs; present tense Article = the It is not a complete sentence.
Grammar Practice Sentence 2: Proper noun = Sister Maria Thuan Common noun = students; joy; hapinesss Possessive noun = Sister Maria Thuan’s Action verb = bring; present tense Article = the
Grammar Practice Sentence 3: Proper noun = Lauren Common noun = cake Action verb = ate; past tense Article = a Simple subject = Lauren Simple predicate = ate
The Importance of Being Earnest Page where Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen comes in:
The Importance of Being Earnest Page where Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen comes in: Lady Bracknell = Snob People’s view of marriage = all business and morals, but no joy “I never saw a woman so altered; she looks quite twenty years younger.” – Making fun of people’s seriousness about marriage; telling people to lighten up.
The Importance of Being Earnest Next page: Algernon says he has to see his friend Bunbury in order to not have dinner with his aunt. Algernon = double life Lady Bracknell = only cares about herself and what is convenient
The Importance of Being Earnest Next page: Algernon = shallow, light-hearted, but gentlemanly Lady Bracknell = selfish and shallow; stern looking
The Importance of Being Earnest Jack and Gwendolyn: Page 1: The proposal: Gwendolen only loves Jack because his name is Ernest. Gwendolen and Jack = both shallow characters Page 2: Gwendolen will only marry someone named Ernest. Again, poking fun at marriage during Victorian society.