Vocabu-Lit lesson 19 By Dr. Orso
Fiction Noun literature comprising works of imaginative narration What are some of your favorite fiction books?
About the passage… by George MacDonald, (This is only part of a bigger story.) A king and queen, after some time, have a bay princess (daughter). The King’s sister (Old Princess Makemnoit) is very jealous of the new baby, and puts a curse on her to have no gravity. The little princess loves to swim, and when she swims, she gets her gravity back! This leads to the proposal that if she could be brought to cry, it might break the curse. The kingdom wants to break the curse. Mean Princess Makemnoit discovers that her niece loves the lake. The water is drained from the lake, the springs are stopped up, and the rain stops.
Listen and Read
Master Words These are the master words you will study in this selection. Cease Festering Hideous Pine Proclamation Ferocious Foresight Import Proceed Want
Context Clues As you read, look for context clues in the story. Circle any words that give clues to the meaning of the master words.
Cease Verb To Stop
Ferocious Cruel Savage Very mean adjective
Festering Decaying Rotting Adjective
Foresight Think ahead Think for the future noun
hideous Very bad Horrible adjective
import Meaning Significance
pine Crave To want something so badly that one waste away wanting it
proceed To start an action To go
proclamation Public, formal announcement
want Lack Something desired or needed