LAKE HYDROMORPHOLOGY. BACKGROUND No standard methods for assessing lake hydromorphology No standard methods for assessing lake hydromorphology Work began.


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Presentation transcript:


BACKGROUND No standard methods for assessing lake hydromorphology No standard methods for assessing lake hydromorphology Work began in UK on Lake Habitat Survey (LHS) in 2003 Work began in UK on Lake Habitat Survey (LHS) in 2003 LHS Phase /05; Phase /06 (Dundee University) LHS Phase /05; Phase /06 (Dundee University)

THE EUROPEAN DIMENSION CEN standards and the WFD CEN standards and the WFD Completion of river hydromorphology standard; moving into standing waters Completion of river hydromorphology standard; moving into standing waters A unique opportunity A unique opportunity Expressions of interest - from Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Sweden, The Netherlands, Finland, Poland, Serbia & Montenegro Expressions of interest - from Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Sweden, The Netherlands, Finland, Poland, Serbia & Montenegro

EUROPEAN CONSULTATION: FOUR QUESTIONS What habitat assessment methodologies are used for standing waters in your country? What habitat assessment methodologies are used for standing waters in your country? Are any existing methodologies adequate in relation to statutory requirements, and in particular in relation to European directives such as the WFD and the Habitats Directive? Are any existing methodologies adequate in relation to statutory requirements, and in particular in relation to European directives such as the WFD and the Habitats Directive? Do you consider that it would be desirable/useful to establish a European guidance standard for habitat assessment of standing waters? Do you consider that it would be desirable/useful to establish a European guidance standard for habitat assessment of standing waters? Do you think that there would be interest in your country to collaborate in developing such a standard? Do you think that there would be interest in your country to collaborate in developing such a standard?

SUMMARY OF RESPONSES Some aspects of lake hydromorphology are monitored in some countries, but there are no comprehensive methods available Some aspects of lake hydromorphology are monitored in some countries, but there are no comprehensive methods available Methods used now are not adequate to meet statutory requirements such as those of WFD and Habitats Directive Methods used now are not adequate to meet statutory requirements such as those of WFD and Habitats Directive Unanimous agreement on the importance of a European standard for lake hydromorphology Unanimous agreement on the importance of a European standard for lake hydromorphology All those responding expressed interest in participating in developing some form of LHS system All those responding expressed interest in participating in developing some form of LHS system


FIRST STEPS Literature review and workshop (Birmingham, Jan 2003) Literature review and workshop (Birmingham, Jan 2003) Scoping study on LHS Scoping study on LHS

SCOPING STUDY A UK initiative, funded by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) A UK initiative, funded by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Contract awarded to University of Dundee (authors of the lake hydromorphology literature review - report ‘A Review of Methods for Assessing the Hydromorphology of Lakes’ - available at Contract awarded to University of Dundee (authors of the lake hydromorphology literature review - report ‘A Review of Methods for Assessing the Hydromorphology of Lakes’ - available at Purpose - to present for discussion some costed proposals for developing a system of Lake Habitat Survey, both in the UK and for contributing to work in CEN Purpose - to present for discussion some costed proposals for developing a system of Lake Habitat Survey, both in the UK and for contributing to work in CEN

LHS: KEY FEATURES (1) Should be multi-functional (not just WFD) Should be multi-functional (not just WFD) Standard methods should include both hydrology and morphology Standard methods should include both hydrology and morphology Method should be capable of assessing lakes across the quality spectrum Method should be capable of assessing lakes across the quality spectrum Method should be capable of assessing natural and artificial lakes Method should be capable of assessing natural and artificial lakes Should be able to contribute to the creation of a European standard for assessing lake hydromorphology Should be able to contribute to the creation of a European standard for assessing lake hydromorphology

LHS: KEY FEATURES (2) Assessment of lake habitat and anthropogenic pressures Assessment of lake habitat and anthropogenic pressures Field survey protocol Field survey protocol Data from maps and remote sensing Data from maps and remote sensing Covers littoral, shore and riparian zone + index site Covers littoral, shore and riparian zone + index site

LHS PROJECT: PHASE 1 Contract to Dundee University (led by Dr John Rowan) Contract to Dundee University (led by Dr John Rowan) Commenced March 2004 Commenced March 2004 March-April: LHS design March-April: LHS design May-August: Field trials May-August: Field trials September-October: Data analysis/reporting September-October: Data analysis/reporting October 26-27: LHS workshop, Edinburgh October 26-27: LHS workshop, Edinburgh November - Final report (available at November - Final report (available at

LHS PROJECT: PHASE 2 Complete analysis of field results from Phase 1 Complete analysis of field results from Phase 1 New field-trials to refine protocol, principally with respect to survey strategy New field-trials to refine protocol, principally with respect to survey strategy Investigate links between hydromorphology and ecology Investigate links between hydromorphology and ecology Further consideration of the role of remote sensing in LHS Further consideration of the role of remote sensing in LHS Complementary work on LHS by European partners Complementary work on LHS by European partners End of Phase 2 - an agreed method, with proposals for establishing a national LHS database, future training needs, etc. End of Phase 2 - an agreed method, with proposals for establishing a national LHS database, future training needs, etc. Core method for CEN standardization Core method for CEN standardization

PROSPECTS Report on Phase 2 to be presented at TG 5, June 2006 Report on Phase 2 to be presented at TG 5, June 2006 Propose to use core of LHS to develop CEN standard Propose to use core of LHS to develop CEN standard Draw on wider European expertise Draw on wider European expertise