1 A DCPC Update: The Office of Colorectal Cancer Programs A DCPC Update: The Office of Colorectal Cancer Programs May 13, 2008 NCCCP Program Directors Business Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia Laura C. Seeff MD Associate Director Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, Office of Colorectal Cancer Programs
2 Division-wide Colorectal Cancer Control Efforts Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Office of the Director Office of Colorectal Cancer Programs Screen for Life National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign Cancer Surveillance Branch Comprehensive Cancer Control Branch Epidemiology and Applied Research Branch
3 Partnerships National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable Medicare Savings Study Disparities Professional and Public Education American Cancer Society Prevent Cancer Foundation Dialogue for Action
4 Patient Fact Sheets/Brochures Posters Public Service Announcements Available in English and Spanish Web Site: CDC’s Screen for Life Campaign Materials
5 DCPC Research and Related Activities Disparities in CRC Incidence, NPCR/SEER Updated Screening Prevalence, NHIS, BFRSS Measurement of Screening Capacity Intervention Studies Survivorship-Related Research Improving the Quality of Screening Comprehensive Cancer Control Special Projects 17 cooperative agreements to help implement CCC goals
6 Colorectal Cancer Demonstration Screening Program Initiated 2004 To determine feasibility of establishing an organized colorectal cancer screening program for underserved population To learn how best to implement colorectal cancer screening at community level To explore different program models of screening delivery
Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program Timeline Stakeholders’ meetingsSummer 2004 Five sites selectedAugust 2005 Programs FundedAugust 2005-August 2008 Start up through summer 2006 Implementation through 2008 Program ExtensionAugust 2009 Stakeholders’ meetings April 29: DCPC management May 13: NCCCP PD meeting May 20-21: CCC National Partner meeting September 26: External experts New programs fundedSeptember 2009
Activities in the Horizon Updating National Colorectal Cancer Screening Capacity Assessment –FY 2008 Assisting 6 State Colorectal Cancer Screening Capacity Assessments –FY 2008 Study of iFOBT (FIT) vs gFOBT –FY 2008 Stakeholders meeting with NCCCP PDs –May 13, 2008
9 Resources Website: g/demonstration/ g/demonstration/ Preventing Chronic Disease: CDC e-journal, April 2008 issue: CDC’s Screen for Life Public Education Campaign: A Call to Action power point presentation: ns/slide_sets.htmhttp:// ns/slide_sets.htm
10 Recent Publications Seeff LC, DeGroff A, Tangka F, Wanliss E, Major A, Nadel M, et al. Development of a federally funded demonstration colorectal cancer screening program. Prev Chronic Dis 2008;5(2). apr/07_0206.htm. apr/07_0206.htm DeGroff A, Holden D, Green SG, Boehm J, Seeff LC, Tangka F. Start- up of the Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Project. Prev Chronic Dis 2008;5(2). apr/07_0204.htm. apr/07_0204.htm DeGroff A, Boehm J, Green SG, Holden D, Seeff LC. Facilitators and challenges to start-up of the colorectal cancer screening demonstration program. Prev Chronic Dis 2008;5(2). apr/07_0205.htm. apr/07_0205.htm Tangka FKL, Subramanian S, Bapat B, Seeff LC, DeGroff A, Gardner J, et al. Cost of starting colorectal cancer screening programs: results from five federally funded demonstration programs. Prev Chronic Dis 2008;5(2). apr/07_0202.htm. apr/07_0202.htm
THANK YOU! Laura C Seeff, MD
12 For information about CDC’s Cancer Prevention & Control Programs, please go to The findings and conclusions in this presentation are those of the presenter, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.