Chapter 24 section 4 UNREST IN RUSSIA
Autocracy Serfs Alexander I Pogroms Trans-Siberian Railroad Russo-Japanese War Socialist Republic Vladimir Lenin Bloody Sunday Duma KEY TERMS
1800’s Russia was one of the great powers of Europe Russian Troops defeated Napoleon Russian leaders helped to reorganize Europe Russia Empire was huge Included many ethnic groups GOVERNMENT AND SOCIETY
Russian rulers were absolute monarchs Autocracy- government by one ruler with absolute power Russian rulers called czar Society mostly agricultural GOVERNMENT AND SOCIETY
Most of population were peasants Serfs-agricultural workers who were considered part of the land they worked Serfs were controlled by the lords Were not slaves GOVERNMENT AND SOCIETY
Serfs not allowed to leave the ground they were born on Serfdom was a major problem for Russian society GOVERNMENT AND SOCIETY
Czar alexander I died in 1825 Decembrists were a group of revolutionaries Included many military officers 3,000 soldiers gathered at the winter palace Publicly refusing to declare their allegiance to Czar Nicholas I THE DECEMBRIST REVOLT
Nicholas crushed the rebellion Decembrists were captured and sent to Siberia Isolated portion of eastern Russia Five were executed Began revolutionary movement DECEMBRIST REVOLT
Came to power in 1855 Russia loses the Crimean War Showed how far behind Russia was from Europe Did not have modern technology or industry to build an army REFORMS OF ALEXANDER II
1861 he frees the serfs Right to own land ad part of a commune Believed serfs would revolt if living condition did not change Hoped land owning would build market economy REFORMS OF ALEXANDER II
Serfs bought the land they worked with government help Alexander set up a judicial system Allowed some local self government Reorganized the army and the navy 1881 Alexander II assassinated by People’s will REFORMS OF ALEXANDER II
Was a reactionary Ended the reforms of his father Went after revolutionaries People started to attacking Jews Killing them and destroying their property UNREST UNDER ALEXANDER III
Pogroms-widespread violent attacks Several waves of them in Russia Began after Alexander II was assassinated Jews were wrongly blamed for the assassination UNREST UNDER ALEXANDER II
1890’s Trans- Siberian Railroad Link western Russia with Siberia Russia expanded in the East 1900’s Japan was building an empire Russia viewed it as a threat INDUSTRIALIZATION UNDER NICHOLAS II
1904 Japanese forces attacked and defeated Russia Russo-Japanese War Shocked Russians and called for more change WAR WITH JAPAN
A group who followed Karl Marx Socialist republic-a society in which there is no private property and the state would collectively own and distribute goods 1902 Vladimir Lenin worked to overthrow the czar Rise against “the shame and the curse of Russia.” MARXIST IDEAS
January 1905 Father Gapon planned too bring a petition to the czar Petition listed demands As protesters neared the Winter Palace they were fired upon Known as Bloody Sunday THE REVOLUTION OF 1905
Bloody Sunday inspired many to rise up Workers went on strike University students protested in the streets Peasants rebelled against landlords People everywhere disobeyed the Czar’s rules THE REVOLUTION OF 1905
Czar supported autocracy Promised reform but did not follow through October 2 million workers strike and protest in the street Railroads stopped THE REVOLUTION OF 1905
New Constitution Freedom of speech Freedom of assembly Many Russians gained the right to vote OCTOBER MANIFESTO
Voters could elect representatives to the Duma Duma-an assembly that would approve laws Czar would continue to rule Promised not to pass laws without permission from Duma OCTOBER MANIFESTO
1906 first Duma met Czar ended the meeting when the Duma made too many demands Nicholas II advisors did make many reforms Czar had not reached a balance between his own power and support for democracy OCTOBER MANIFESTO