Capacity Needs Assessment Capacity Needs Assessments (CNA) Group Work Agenda for 2/26/09
We are here 2/10 Chapter 5 all (skim samples) Set time over next two weeks to collect data. 2/12 Chapter 4 (skim samples) Homework map the space of the organization; conduct interviews/observations Due 2/17 Survey: Case Study Due 2/19 Chapter 6 (skim samples) Homework: compile organization’s structure, capacities and needs looking for patters; continue data collection Due 2/24 Read model asset papers: genre analysis: Due 2/26 Compile paper sections design paper template together, assign sections to write T: 3/3 Capacity Needs Paper draft due TH: 3/5 Capacity Needs final due, transition to proposals
Homework due today Continue gathering and analyzing data Write a one page memo to your group and to me: –Outline what sections, content, and design elements you foresee your version of this report including –Describe what areas of this report you feel most strong about contributing to given your skillsets –Propose a timeline in which you can deliver your contribution
Agenda Today –We’ll finalize our respective templates for group CNA reports –Group work will determine content developers and timelines for CNA reports – Our goals: to finalize our templates for a good CNA, making the conventions of this genre transparent To look forward to product proposals based upon work done for GNA
Activity #1 Take out your memos to your group members and to me –Collect the information together in one template –Decide upon the best ways to represent your data streams –Upload your group’s template to Angel
Activity # 1, cont.’ Your templates need to include: 1.Appropriate section headings 2.Reminders to the writers of what information goes in each section 3.Consistent, rhetorically appropriate, design elements (fonts, headings, graphics, data reports, text boxes, borders, headers/footers, images, etc). 4.Timeline/assignment for deliverables
Take Aways My goals with these activities were to: Make sure we’re all agreed on who will be working to deliver what and when Help us determine each group’s organization, content, and design of our CNA reports. Poise us to write and deliver the content for these reports.
Homework Finish analyzing data Write the content of your sections and compile these into a draft of your capacity needs assessments. Be prepared for a peer review of your papers
Looking forward Next class we’ll review each other’s drafts of the CNA reports We’ll troubleshoot any problems We’ll look forward to project proposals that will stem from these reports.