1) Identify what you are solving for 2) Identify what operation(s) 3) Solve the problem by setting it up
Addition story problems often use words like: Increased by More than Combined Together Total of Sum Added to EXAMPLE: Jane has 10 Barbie's and for her birthday she gets 3 more. How many Barbie’s does Jane have now? (10+3=?)
Subtraction: Decreased by Minus, less than Difference Less than Fewer than Away/loose EXAMPLE: If there are 10 cars in one parking and 6 less cars in the second parking lot. How many more cars are there in the second parking lot? (10-6=?)
Multiplication: Of Times Multiplied by Product of EXAMPLE: If Mary has 3 pets and Annie has 2 times as many pets as Mary. How many pets does Annie have? (3x2=?)
Division: Per Out of Ratio of Quotient of “a” EXAMPLE: If Bobbi had 15 cookies and ate the same amount each day for 5 days how many did she eat per day? (15 / 5=? )
You work two jobs every week. The first job you work 15 hours every week and make $11 an hour. The second job you make $9 an hour and can work as many hours as you want. If your goal is to make $255, how many hours do you need to work the second job?