Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai Christina Markert Kent State University Motivation Resonance in hadronic phase Time R AA and R dAu Elliptic flow v 2 Summary for the STAR Collaboration Resonance Production in RHIC Collisions
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai Lifetime of Nuclear Medium T chemical t > 4 fm/c resonances Au+Au t ~ 10 fm/c (HBT) Partonic phase < 6 fm/c C. Markert, G. Torrieri, J. Rafelski, hep-ph/ STAR delta lifetime > 4fm/c
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai Hot and dense medium p+p Au+Au Au+Au interactions: Extended hot and dense phase Thermalization at chem. freeze-out Kinetic freeze-out separated from chemical freeze-out p+p interactions: No extended initial medium Chemical freeze-out (no thermalization) Kinetic freeze-out close to the chemical freeze- out Particle yieldsParticle spectra time p K p K Time in Heavy Ion Reactions
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai Resonance Signals in p+p and Au+Au collisions from STAR K(892) (1520) p+p Au+Au (1385) p+p Au+Au (1020) p+p Au+Au p+p K(892) K+ (1232) p+ (1020) K + K (1520) p + K (1385) +
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai * and * show rescattering * shows regeneration Regeneration/Rescattering cross section: p) Interactions of Resonance in Hadronic Nuclear Medium [1] P. Braun-Munzinger,PLB 518(2001) 41, priv. communication [2] Marcus Bleicher and Jörg Aichelin Phys. Lett. B530 (2002) 81. M. Bleicher and Horst Stöcker J. Phys.G30 (2004) 111. Life-time [fm/c] : Preliminary UrQMD =10±3 fm/c
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai +X Y +X Y +X Y Regeneration Cross Sections Regeneration/Rescattering cross section: Sascha Vogel, San Diego Winter Workshop 2006 Production channel for measured resonances: UrQMD calculations
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai R AA of Resonances (with rescattering) K(892) more suppressed in AA than K s 0 K(892) are lower than K s 0 (and ) pt < 2.0 GeV factor of 2
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai Nuclear Modification Factor R dAu 1.K* is lower than Kaons in low pt d+Au no medium no rescattering why K* suppression in d+Au ? * follows h+- and lower than protons.
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai Medium in d+Au ? Preliminary *: No rescattering in hadronic d+Au medium K* : Rescattering in hadronic d+Au medium ???
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai Low mean p T ≠ early freeze-out ? Resonance are regenerating close to kinetic freeze-out we measure late produced (1385) How is elliptic flow v 2 effected ? v 2 = signal for early partonic interactions Fit to and Higher T kin and lower
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai Effects on v 2 of and from Resonances v 2 of pions: 1.Primary produced (30%) 2.Early resonance decay 3.Late resonance decay v 2 of resonances: 1.Early resonances 2.Regenerated resonances time chemical freeze-out p p p kinetic freeze-out re-scattering regeneration
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai Resonances v 2 and NCQ Scaling Test Elliptic flow v 2 p T (GeV) Fluid dynamics calculations (zero viscosity) describe data p T < 2 GeV Do Resonances show same mass splitting ? Number of Constituent Quark (NCQ) scaling at intermediate p T (2= mesons, 3= baryons) indication of partonic degrees of freedom Regenerated resonances–final state interactions NCQ = 5 ( * = + =3+2) C. Nonaka, et al., Phys.Rev.C69: ,2004
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai elliptic flow v 2 in minbias Au+Au 200 GeV 2( - ) dN/d( - ) signal Bg of invmass v 2 =12±2% v 2 =16±0.04% p T = GeV Inv mass (K + K - ) Elliptic flowReaction plane Kaon p < 0.6 GeV
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai v 2 of phi resonance in Au+Au 200GeV has long lifetime 45fm/c less rescattering or regeneration Elliptic flow of Φ-meson is close to Ks Delta resonance ? STAR Preliminary
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai Summary Hadronic resonances help to separate hadronic from partonic lifetime Ranking of rescattering over regeneration cross section in medium. Low pt R AA behavior confirms rescattering hypothesis. (R dAu puzzle?) v 2 of long lived resonances seems to follow stable particle trends (confirmation of NCQ scaling)
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai For Raymond
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai Signal Loss in Low p T Region Inverse slope increase from p+p to Au+Au collisions. UrQMD predicts signal loss at low p T due to rescattering of decay daughters. Inverse slopes T and mean p T are higher. Flow would increase p T of higher masse particles stronger. p T UrQMD 140 MeV 90 MeV 35 MeV p+p Au+Au K(892) flow p T Preliminary
Christina Markert Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Mai Temperature and “Life-time” from K* and * Model includes: Temperature at chemical freeze-out “Life-time” between chemical and thermal freeze-out By comparing two particle ratios (no regeneration) Lambda1520 T= 160 MeV > 4 fm/c K(892) T = 160 MeV > 1.5 fm/c (1520)/ = at 10% most central Au+Au K*/K - = 0.23 0.05 at 0-10% most central Au+Au G. Torrieri and J. Rafelski, Phys. Lett. B509 (2001) 239 Life time: K(892) = 4 fm/c (1520) = 13 fm/c