The JFK Assassination
The Facts
JFK was shot twice in Dallas on November 23, 1963 The Facts
JFK was shot twice in Dallas on November 23, 1963 Caught on film by amateur photographer ( “ Zapruder film ” ) The Facts
Class Viewing The Zapruder Film
3 rd shot 1 st shot Sniper perch
JFK was shot twice in Dallas on November 23, 1963 Caught on film by amateur photographer ( “ Zapruder film ” ) Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the crime The Facts
6 th floor
JFK was shot twice in Dallas on November 23, 1963 Caught on film by amateur photographer ( “ Zapruder film ” ) Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the crime He was also charged with shooting a police officer The Facts
JFK was shot twice in Dallas on November 23, 1963 Caught on film by amateur photographer ( “ Zapruder film ” ) Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the crime He was also charged with shooting a police officer Lyndon B Johnson was sworn in on Air Force One before take-off The Facts
JFK was shot twice in Dallas on November 23, 1963 Caught on film by amateur photographer ( “ Zapruder film ” ) Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the crime He was also charged with shooting a police officer Lyndon B Johnson was sworn in on Air Force One before take-off Oswald himself was killed by Jack Ruby on November 24, 1963 The Facts
Case Closed?
80% of people today believe JFK was killed by someone else.
Many people believe: Oswald could not have shot JFK from the sixth floor in less than 6 seconds. The Controversy
Many people believe: Oswald could not have shot JFK from the sixth floor in less than 6 seconds. Kennedy was shot from the front by gunmen on the grassy knoll. The Controversy
Back and to the left?
2 nd assassin? Zapruder wall
Picket fence
3 rd shot
Magic Bullet?
Once their seats are properly aligned, the single bullet theory appears to be valid!
Some say there was a mysterious man fanning an umbrella right as Kennedy was shot. Oliver Stone said he was signaling to shoot JFK.
Umbrella Man here
Many people believe: Oswald could not have shot JFK from the sixth floor in less than 6 seconds. Kennedy was shot from the front by gunmen on the grassy knoll. Jack Ruby killed Oswald on orders from the mafia to keep Oswald quiet about everything. The Controversy
Many people believe: Oswald could not have shot JFK from the sixth floor in less than 6 seconds. Kennedy was shot from the front by gunmen on the grassy knoll. Jack Ruby killed Oswald on orders from the mafia to keep Oswald quiet about everything. LBJ, the Mob, Castro, or the Soviets killed JFK The Controversy
LBJ Becomes president Championed civil rights Expanded America ’ s involvement in the Vietnam War Many Americans loss trust in the Government Conspiracy theories Set the stage for the troubles of the 1960s Arrival of the Beatles in 1964 Counter-culture “ hippies ” Protest movements Effects