Cambridge, 17 th April 2009 Jannie Roed (Coventry University)
Introductions What is it all about? Postgraduate Certificates in HE – the context Expectations and realities Reflective practice A few tips
In pairs, discuss (a) why you are doing a PGCert, and (b) what you expect to get out of it? Please be prepared to feed back to the group
Recommended in the Dearing Rapport (1997) and the White Paper (2003) and mandatory in most HE institutions in the UK Quality Assurance and transparency Compliance with national and institutional policies Introduction to professional practice Support for new members of academic staff Accreditation by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and/or the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA)
Not a ‘how to teach’ course Introduction to institutional practices Introduction to national policies/legislation Work-based assessment You are telling ‘your story’ or recalling ‘your journey’ in HE Engaging with scholarship within your discipline The concept of reflective practice
Evaluation by students/peers Analysing evaluation data Acting upon evaluation data Providing feedback to students/peers on the outcomes of evaluations Evaluation cycle
Peer feedbackStudent feedback Peer observations Sharing experiences/materials Networking Seminars Conferences Formal feedback from students Informal feedback from students Exam results
Keep a notebook/diary ; include critical incidents, your own thoughts and reactions, comments from peers and students on your materials (positive as well as negative) Engage with the literature – don’t just read it Read newspapers and Times Higher Education to keep up with policy developments, legislation and general trends in HE Plan your assignments or portfolio entries well in advance Become part of a network