WEEKLY SITE MANAGERS SAFETY WALKDOWN Aim of this program is to familiarize the INSPECTION TEAMS to carry out the necessary paper work in correct manner so that an effective reports could be generated at the end utilizing the walk down software. Aim of this program is to familiarize the INSPECTION TEAMS to carry out the necessary paper work in correct manner so that an effective reports could be generated at the end utilizing the walk down software. As part of follow up this will also enhance the degree of accountability and responsibility towards taking appropriate corrective actions.
Filling Up Front page Each group will have with them a set of Weekly Safety Inspection site observation sheets. All the members of the group to write their attendance on the first page – SIGN-IN SECTION. Write your name, company, job title and the signature. Your name is expected to be clear and readable. The team leader will write his name first and put a star ( * ) at the side of his name. So that the name of the team leader can be identified and entered in the database. For Example: * Bishwajit Dutta Bechtel Senior ES&H Specialist * Bishwajit Dutta Bechtel Senior ES&H Specialist
Put a * here if you are a Team leader Group members Write their names, company, job title and signature clearly readable If your observation do not fall in any of the subcategories and or if you have any additional comments or suggestions come back to the front page and there is a section for this entry to be made. This section has the following items. Category, subcontractor, Location, Comments, Severity
How to fill up observation sheet There are a total of 8 pages of observations. The observations are divided in to a total of 15 Categories. These Categories are Barricades, Edge Protect Floor Opening, Electric Equipment, Environmental Health, Excavations, Fire Protection, Housekeeping Materials, Harness / Lifelines, Hazardous Materials, PPE, Scaffolds / Ladders, STARRT Cards, Tools & Equipment, Unsafe Behavior & Workplace Lighting. On completion of the walkthrough you are required to go through each of these categories and their subcategories beginning from Barricades and right up to Workplace lighting. Under each category there is a sub category. These sub categories have a unique number. For example Barricades is a Category and under Barricades B-04 (warning sign required) is a sub category.
These are the Categories These are the Sub Categories Repeat Box contractor wise Observation Box contractor wise
How to fill up observation sheet If a particular Category is not applicable for your area of inspection, put a tick ( ) mark on left side of first subcategory which says “Not Applicable”. Also write N.A. in a box against this subcategory. If a Category is applicable for your area of inspection Go through each of it’s subcategories: Go through each of it’s subcategories: If there is any non compliance against any subcategory then put a tick ( ) mark on it’s left side.If there is any non compliance against any subcategory then put a tick ( ) mark on it’s left side. Write your observation in to a box against it. Write your observation in to a box against it. If it is a repeated observation over a previous week then put a “x” in a small box which is at the right side of that subcategory and write your observation.If it is a repeated observation over a previous week then put a “x” in a small box which is at the right side of that subcategory and write your observation.
How to fill up observation sheet If a particular Category is not applicable for your area of inspection, put a tick ( ) mark on left side of first subcategory which says “Not Applicable”. Also write N.A. in a box against this subcategory. If a Category is applicable for your area of inspection Go through each of it’s subcategories: Go through each of it’s subcategories: If there is any non compliance against any subcategory then put a tick ( ) mark on it’s left side.If there is any non compliance against any subcategory then put a tick ( ) mark on it’s left side. Write your observation in to a box against it. Write your observation in to a box against it. If it is a repeated observation over a previous week then put a “x” in a small box which is at the right side of that subcategory and write your observation.If it is a repeated observation over a previous week then put a “x” in a small box which is at the right side of that subcategory and write your observation.
How to fill up observation sheet In a particular Category if you have written any observations, there is no need to give any marking for the last two sub categories i.e. Acceptable Standard & Good to Very Good Standard. Database computer will do the marking as per the number of observations. In a particular Category which is applicable and you have no observations to write against any of it’s sub categories, then you need to give the points by putting a “X” mark in a small box in the right of one of the following. Acceptable standard-Improvements discussed(8 points) Acceptable standard-Improvements discussed(8 points) OR OR Good to Very Good Standard (9 points). Good to Very Good Standard (9 points). At the bottom side there are contractor names. Make a circle for the contractor who was involved for your observation. If it is more than one then encircle them accordingly.
How to fill up observation sheet How to describe the observation – You will be writing the observations those do not comply with the subcategory items under each category. These observations should mention but not limited to: You will be writing the observations those do not comply with the subcategory items under each category. These observations should mention but not limited to: Exact location ( may include area, sub area, near, behind Etc..), responsible contractor name, responsible supervisor name, name of the operative or a trade man if you know during observation. Exact location ( may include area, sub area, near, behind Etc..), responsible contractor name, responsible supervisor name, name of the operative or a trade man if you know during observation. Your observation point should not be halfway that leaves doubts. Your observation point should not be halfway that leaves doubts. For example “ No Barricading”? This do not specify For example “ No Barricading”? This do not specify any area location or the contractor. any area location or the contractor. Secondly your writing must be readable that someone can enter all the information without loosing any words and it becomes clear for the responsible action party. Secondly your writing must be readable that someone can enter all the information without loosing any words and it becomes clear for the responsible action party.
How to fill up observation sheet How to describe the observation – If your observation do not fall in any of the subcategories and or if you have any additional comments or suggestions come back to the front page and there is a section for this entry to be made. This section has the following items. Category, subcontractor, Location, Comments, Severity If your observation do not fall in any of the subcategories and or if you have any additional comments or suggestions come back to the front page and there is a section for this entry to be made. This section has the following items. Category, subcontractor, Location, Comments, Severity
QUIZ 1)If there is no barricade provided around the manlift operation then which category and subcategory you need to select? Ans:Category: Barricade Sub Category- B-02 = Barricades/Barrier tape required around area. 2)If there is floor opening at elevation which is not barricaded or covered then which category and subcategory you need to select? Ans:Category: Edge Protect Floor Opening Sub category: EP-03 = Floor Opening not covered. 3)If the Electrical panel is not color coded then which category and subcategory you need to select? Ans:Category: Electric Equipment Sub category: EE-01 = Incorrect / No Color Coding. 4)If the food and rubbish not segregated, then which category and subcategory you need to select? Ans:Category: Environmental Health Sub Category: EH-11 = Waste Material not segregated. 5)If the Excavation carried out without permit, then which category and subcategory you need to select? Ans:Category: Excavation Sub Category: EX-04 = No Excavation permit / not signed.
QUIZ 6)If the Hot work carried out and combustible materials around the vicinity then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category: Fire Protection Sub Category: FP-06 = Fire hazard. 7)If you observe timber with protruding nails then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category: Housekeeping Sub Category: HK-04 = Remove protruding nails. 8)If the employee working at height (>1.8 meter) not tied off, then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category: Harness/Lifelines Sub Category: HL-02 = Worker not tied off 9)If no drip tray provided for the chemical, Hydrocarbon container, then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category: Hazardous Materials Sub Category: HM-05 = No containment for stored chemicals. 10)If the employee not wearing face shield while grinding, then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category:PPE Sub Category:PPE-04 = Not wearing face shield when grinding.
QUIZ 11)If there is no scaffolding tag found in scaffolding, then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category: Scaffolds/Ladders Sub Category: SL-01 = Scaffolds without scaffolding tag 12)If the STARRT card is incomplete & not filled properly, then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category: STARRT card Sub Category: SC-07 = STARRT Card not properly filled out. 13)If the grinding machine found without guard, then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category: Tools & Equipment Sub Category: TE-13 = Equipment without proper guard. 14)If the employee driving without seat belt then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category :Unsafe behavior Sub Category: UB-17 = Not wearing seat belt. 15)If the group of people working inside building and lighting is not adequate then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category: Workplace Lighting Sub Category: WL-02 = Insufficient / Inadequate Lighting.
QUIZ 16)If you observe good housekeeping, then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category: Housekeeping Materials Sub Category: HK - XX = Good to very good standard (Score of 9) 17)If you observe all the employees are in compliance with PPE’S, then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category: PPE Sub Category: PPE-XX = Good to very good standard (Score of 9) 18)If you observe barricade is not maintained and you discuss with responsible person for improvements, then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category: Barricades Sub Category: B-05 = Acceptable standard- Improvements discussed(8) 19)If you found warning signage for excavation faded and you discussed with responsible supervision for improvements then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category :Excavation Sub Category: EX-07 = Acceptable standard- Improvements discussed(8) 20)If you observe an employee not cleaning the safety glass regularly and you discussed with individual for improvement then which category and sub category you need to select? Ans:Category: PPE Sub Category: PPE-15 = Acceptable standard-Improvements discussed (8)