Archaeology Unit Vocabulary
Prehistory - The time in history before anything was written down
History - The Study of the Past
Fossil - Part of an animal or plant that lived millions of years ago and that has been preserved or the shape of one these plants or animals that is preserved in rock
Artifact - An object made by humans
Oral Tradition - The legends, myths, and beliefs that a culture passes from generation to generation by word of mouth
Primary Source - Information about events recorded or created during the time period a historian studies
Secondary Source - Information about events recorded after those events by people who have studied the primary sources
Archaeology - The study of ancient societies by examining what remains of their buildings, graves, tools, etc.
Excavation - The careful digging of an area of land to find ancient objects, bones, etc.
Radiocarbon Dating - A method used by scientists to find out the age of very old objects (because carbon decays at a regular rate)