Site Safety, Health & Environmental Induction
Management Commitment to H&S Operate in accordance with Health & Safety best practice Develop and maintain a positive Health & Safety culture that takes steps to prevent incidents, pollution, minimise waste, reduce energy consumption and pursue good practice in resource management Set high standards of Health & Safety management within company procedures and strive for the same commitment from our supply chain Identify hazards, assess and control risks to safety, health and the environment to which employees and others may be exposed Plan, set and provide appropriate communication, education, training, and resources to implement the Health & Safety policies. Seek continuous improvement through our strategy which amongst others things encourages a culture of regular assessment and review of our policy and procedures in respect of Health & Safety performance. Consult at all levels with those involved in our work operations on safety, health and environmental matters We will ensure suitable and sufficient resources are given to Health & Safety management across all levels of the business. Our goal is to be an industry leader in matters of Health & Safety by aiming to:
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Key Personnel Client: Project Director: Contracts Manager: Project Manager: Site Manager: Key/Lead Operative/s: First Aider/s:
Who is responsible for safety on site? You are....!
What are your legal Duties?
On average in construction 1 in 4 will be injured every day; 53 will die every year. Construction is High Risk.
While working on site you must prove competence
WEAR IT PPE IS ISSUED TO PROTECT YOU WEAR IT Minimum PPE requirements for this site
ALWAYS wear the protective gear highlighted in your risk assessment. EAR DEFENDERS? DUST MASKS?
Mobile phones on site DO NOT use your Mobile phone: Whilst operating plant or machinery. When working at Height. Remember: Don’t walk and talk !
If you are using any substance or material be aware of the warning signs and always ask to see the COSHH assessment Always use the correct PPE as instructed by the COSHH assessment Never smoke when using hazardous materials Always wash your hands after using hazardous substances Always follow the requirements of the COSHH assessment
Keep your workspace safe and tidy
Mind how you lift You could injure yourself
TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT. Beware of plant at all times. Wear high visibility clothing. Use designated pedestrian routes and crossing points. Stay clear from reversing vehicles. Remember if you cant see the driver, the driver cant see you!
Site Traffic management plan.
Only operate plant if you are qualified to do so.
Safe to enter an excavation? Make sure you have a permit to dig. Always make sure that there is adequate support.
Before you use it, CHECK it. Are your tools safe to use? Only use tagged and tested tools on this site.
If you have an accident or incident YOU MUST REPORT the details immediately to the Site Manager
Report A Near Miss A NEAR MISS IS ANYTHING THAT COULD HAVE RESULTED IN AN ACCIDENT For every 600 near misses, 10 people are injured and 1 person is severely injured or killed. DON'T IGNORE IT - REPORT IT !
Left over food encourages rats which spread disease, you must only eat in the designated areas. i.e canteen Tidy up after yourself
It’s not the fall that hurts It’s the sudden STOP! X
Site Rules
This is a No Smoking Site
The site will always have a qualified first aider
In case a fire breaks out Get to know your escape routes and extinguisher locations
Make sure your familiar with the site layout
What does your method statement say? Always work as the statement states Don’t gamble, know the risks
Consultation on safety matters is carried out on this site in three ways Project Work Gang Individual
If you feel that what you are being asked to do is unsafe, tell your supervisor If you are still unsure, then ask us
BE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR Be aware of local issues Minimise noise and vibration Prevent dust Prevent mud on local roads Be polite and courteous
Pollution Prevention Minimise spillages Store all fuel, oils and chemicals in bunds or on drip trays Prevent spillages from vandalism Avoid refuelling near sensitive locations (watercourses etc)
Pollution Prevention – Spillage control NEVER ignore spills of flammable or hazardous substances. Inform your line manager immediately. Use spill kits to clean up all spillages. SPILL KIT LOCATION:
Material Storage Manage materials well –Store correctly to avoid damage –Reuse materials wherever possible –Do not use more than you need Badly managed materials become waste = £££’s
Waste Reuse and Recycle Segregate at source Ensure waste is correctly disposed off Store waste away from drains Wherever possible:- Never burn waste on site
Ecology and Archaeology Do not disturb nesting birds – its illegal. Report all potential archaeological finds. Do not fell trees unless you have permission. Fence off habitat to be retained to avoid damage.
Working together we can create a safe site for all of us. ITS ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE - CHOOSE YOURS!
Have YOU got a permit to work? Permits to work operate on this site for: Excavations, Hot Work, Confined Space Entry, Out of Hours Working, roof work, ladders.
High Risk Activity Board Check the board every day and observe the precautions listed.
Be a Star - Be a Star - S.T.A.R..? We are asking individuals to: Think Act Act Review Step back, observe. What could go wrong? Do I have everything I need to continue safely? Assess all hazards. Analyse how to reduce the risks. Do you have a safe place of work with safe access and egress? Do you have all the right equipment? Control and Act to ensure safe operations. Follow written procedures Ask if you are unsure. Take the necessary actions to do the job safely. Remember Nothing we do is so important that we can’t take the time to do it safely.
Remember to complete the Induction Form Complete the site log.
Thank You for your attention. Do you have any Questions?