Final Review Mr. Patten & Ms. Dennis
Format of Exam There will be 6 essay questions to choose from You will choose 2 essay questions to answer Read ALL choices before selecting. Pick the 2 you can answer best! For each question: – Write and introduction/conclusion – Answer each bullet in paragraph form
What is activism? The policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change.
Creation of Tuesday’s Children Formed in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 Tuesday’s Children is a response and recovery organization They support youth, families, and communities impacted by a traumatic loss. Believe in long-term and collective healing.
Work of Tuesday’s Children Their work has supported: 10,000 + individuals directly impacted by the events of 9/11 6,000 + individuals are currently served by the First Responder Alliance, a Tuesday’s Children program 500+ young adults from 20+ different countries all affected by terrorism or violent extremism have come together to heal at Project Common Bond
Why does Tuesday’s Children? Tuesday’s Children focuses on addressing the ongoing needs of families directly impacted by 9/11 by providing programming and forming community. Child, Adolescent, Young Adult, and Adult Programs address a range of needs, from career services to health and wellness, service trips called "Helping Heals", and preparing adults that have lost loved ones to deal with the challenges of a single-parent household.
Why does Tuesday’s Children? Counseling services are provided by an on- staff psychologist, [11] and Family Engagement programs partner with influential organizations like the Mets, Knicks, Yankees and Giants to form community through fun outings and activities for 9/11 families. Beyond September 11 th - mPE
Tuesday’s Children This year you raised over $7,000 for Tuesday’s Children through various projects. In addition, you had the opportunity to work and volunteer your time for Tuesday’s Children.
Flag Field of Honor
Veteran’s Day of Service - NYC
Battle of the Classes
Blankets for Homeless Vets