Health Promotion in Practice Physical Activity Stations in Cockatoo By Kate Walsh
My name is Kate Walsh I’m 24 and in my last year of health promotion. I live in the town of Cockatoo, in the Dandenong Ranges of Victoria
Casey Cardinia Community Health Care Centre (CCCHCC) Services the areas of Doveton, Berwick, Pakenham, Cranbourne and Cockatoo I am situated in Pakenham The community health care centre caters for everyone in the community, covering many aspects of health e.g. speech therapy, nutritional advice, cardiac rehabilitation, podiatry etc.
Health promotion work I am working as a Health Promotion Officer The community health service provides facilitation for the Cockatoo physical activity group, a group that looks for opportunities to increase the communities level of physical activity
Why physical activity? The benefits of physical activity are well documented. Physical activity improves overall health and decreases the risk of premature death and chronic disease. (Northern Territory Government 2008) In % of Australians aged 15 years and over were considered sedentary (ABS 2006)
Strengthening Cockatoo In 2009 a research paper called ‘strengthening Cockatoo’ was published It highlighted the lack of physical activity opportunities in the area for the youth (ECHO Inc. 2009). Organised sport is the currently the only physical activity available for the youth
Goals and Objectives Physical activity stations and interpretive signage are now to be implemented as a result of this research The Goal of the project is to improve the health of Cockatoo residents The objectives of this project are: the installation of physical activity stations; to increase the percentage of residents in Cockatoo exercising by 25% within a year of stations being installed; and to decrease the rates of Chronic disease in Cockatoo by 10% within 5 years of the stations being installed
Cockatoo physical activity stations The stations will be situated along Alma Treeloar Reserve. This is a park with a footpath that has recently been constructed, in one of the only flat areas of Cockatoo. The stations will be targeted at the early teen age group of y.o, but will be available for everyone to use We are purchasing the stations from fitness trails, an outdoor exercise station manufacturer
Alma Treeloar Reserve
Council Regulations Originally we were going to design our own stations however, because of council regulations and standards the only option we have is to purchase outdoor exercise equipment from a certified provider. Furthermore before any can be installed the council must get their engineer to inspect the plans to make sure everything meets the standards. This is necessary to protect the council from possible liability lawsuits
Fitness Trails Fitness stations have been designed by Fitness Trails with assistance from Australia’s leading exercise physiologists to create stations that are safe and effective to use (Fitness Trails n.d.) Interpretive signage is included at each station with users being instructed how to use the equipment safely and effectively
Interpretative Signage As part of the work on Alma Treeloar Reserve, we will also be initially installing 4 interpretive signs without exercise stations. These signs will be detailed, carrying high quality graphics and text, describing and illustrating certain exercises that can be done without any equipment e.g. lunges, squats etc. The signage has been developed so people perform the exercise safely and correctly.
Principle Duties Needs identification and assessment Consultation with key partners (Cockatoo Township Committee, exercise physiologist, fitness instructor etc.) Grant applications Signage design with the assistance of exercise physiologist
Needs Identification and assesment I am currently visiting the community groups in Cockatoo to deduce what signage they would be likely to use Some of the key groups include: the youth group, the fitness classes, the primary schools, the scouts, the first mums group, the men’s shed group and the Cockatoo Township Committee
Consultation with key partners The Cockatoo Township Committee is one of our key partners. We are applying for funds under their name so their participation and approval is important I’m consulting with an exercise physiologist and the local fitness instructor to assist in the designing of signage
Grant Applications I have just started my first grant application. I am applying to the local Bendigo Bank for a small grant of $5000 so we can start on the 4 signs. Other recreational grants will be applied for to obtain the rest of the money needed. This is where I am at so far. Thank you for listening!!! Questions or comments?
References ECHO inc. 2009, Strengthening Cockatoo project: presenting a plan for a community strengthening initiative. Fitness Trails n.d., Welcome to Fitness Trails, viewed 2 May 2010, Northern Territory Government 2008, Benefits of physical activity, viewed 2 May 2010, ity/Physical_Activity/Benefits_of_Physical_Activity/inde x.aspx ity/Physical_Activity/Benefits_of_Physical_Activity/inde x.aspx Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006, Physical activity in Australia: a snapshot , viewed 4 May 2010,