The Eye Exploring Medical Language Chapter 12
Anatomy Located in the orbit –Bony protective cavity Iris – colored & muscular Pupil – opening in the iris –Dilates and constricts Lens –Focuses and bends light –Located behind pupil
Anatomy Aqueous humor – watery fluid in anterior cavity of the eye Vitreous humor – jellylike substance that gives shape to the eye Lacrimal ducts – drains tears Optic nerve – carries visual impulses to the brain
Word Parts ocul/o………………..eye ophthalm/o…………eye cry/o…………………cold dipl/o…………………two, double ton/o…………………tension, pressure bi-, bin-……………...two -plegia……………….paralysis
Disease & Disorder Terms Blepharoptosis –drooping of the eyelid –ptosis (common name) Conjunctivitis –pinkeye –caused by bacteria or virus –spread by contact with secretions
Disease & Disorder Terms Diplopia –double vision Photophobia –abnormal fear of or sensitivity to light
Disease & Disorder Terms Cataract –clouding of the lens –like vasoline on glasses Detached retina –emergency situation –separation of retina in back of eye
Disease & Disorder Terms Glaucoma –abnormal increase of intraocular pressure –damages optic nerve –can lead to blindness Hyperopia –farsightedness –have trouble seeing up close
Disease & Disorder Terms Myopia –nearsightedness Nyctalopia –poor vision at night
Disease & Disorder Terms Nystagmus –Involuntary, jerking eye movements Presbyopia –Impaired vision as a result of aging
Disease & Disorder Terms Strabismus –Abnormal squinting or crossed eyes Sty –Infection of an oil gland of the eyelid
Surgical Terms Enucleation –Surgical removal of the eyeball
Diagnostic Terms Opthalmoscope –Instrument used for visual examination Tonometry –Measurement of pressure within the eye
Complementary Terms Intraocular –Pertaining to within the eye Intraocular lens
Complementary Terms Lacrimal Pertaining to tears or tear ducts
Complementary Terms Opththalmologist –Doctor who studies and treats diseases of the eye Optic –Pertaining to vision
Complementary Terms Optician –Specialist who fills prescriptions for lenses –Cannot prescribe Optometrist –Professional who prescribes corrective lenses
Complementary Terms Visual acuity –Sharpness of vision Common test
Abbreviations OD –Right eye OS –Left eye OU –Each eye; both eyes