Year 9 Animal Rights.
Are Animal Rights Justified? Animal Rights are justified/reasonable/necessary/warranted/ defensible Animal Rights are NOT justified/reasonable/necessary/warranted/ defensible
Use of Animals Companionship eg.pets Recreation eg racing Work eg, horses Education, exhibition eg. zoos Research conducted for the benefit of both humans and animals Food- milk, meat, eggs, yoghurt, jelly Clothing, fibres- bone, shell, wool, leather, feathers
Animal Rights Definition the rights of animals to live free from human exploitation and abuse the rights of animals, claimed on ethical grounds, to the same humane treatment and protection from exploitation and abuse that are accorded to humans. Collins English Dictionary
Sentience Sentience: The ability of an organism to perceive and feel. Rare to recognize self in mirror Elephants, chimpanzees, crows and ravens, octopuses, dolphins, African grey parrot (2yrs communicate not mimic), dogs, Koko the gorillaElephantscrows ravensoctopusesAfrican greyKoko the gorilla humour,emotion,creativity
For Animal Rights Those who are for Animal Rights are also against any captivity, experimentation or the consumptive use of any animals and animal products. Depending on how strict the view, a person would be regarded as a vegetarian or the stricter form, a vegan.
Animal experimentation use of live or dead animals for scientific study, for the possible benefit of humans, which may ultimately result in the destruction of the animal. the testing of products intended for human use/consumption on animals.
Animal Husbandry Farming livestock Domestication of Animals for as long as humans have domesticated animals, we have been experimenting with animals by trying to have them go faster, produce more eggs, grow quicker, or produce more or finer wool or meat, to improve our quality of life
Animal Welfare AVMA Ensuring animal welfare is a human responsibility that includes consideration for all aspects of animal well-being, including proper housing, management, nutrition, disease prevention and treatment, responsible care, humane handling, and, when necessary, humane euthanasia.
Animal Welfare An animal is in a good state of welfare if it is healthy, comfortable, well nourished, safe, able to express innate behaviour, and if it is not suffering from pain, fear, and distress.
Elephants Grieve "Elephant Whisperer“- Author and legendary conservationist Lawrence Anthony died March family tells of a 12 hr march on March 10 that defies human explanation For two days gathered at his house on the vast Thula Thula game reserve in the South African KwaZulu –