The great dragon build By Rowan Cochrane
CHAPTER 1 In the ancient floating islands of Dragon City. Lived the two heroes of this story, Blazey, the brave and little Flame dragon and his best friend Scooter, The intelligent little prankster of a cloud dragon. Blazey might have been smaller out of the two. But he is the bravest because he has had many attempts to try to jump off a cliff but he was stopped by Legend the legendary dragon. Legend was older and wiser than him anyway. Scooter on the other hand (or claw) was the complete opposite of Blazey. Scooter being so intelligent, has gotten Blazey out of trouble many times. He also loves play pranks on people, and has always managed to pass the blame on to someone else every time.
Chapter 2 One day, Blazey and Scooter flew around the Dragon City islands. They noticed something wrong with the Miradian dragon’s tower! It looked that bad they decided to report to Legend at once. They got to Legend very quickly for young dragons. Blazey being the bravest talked first, “Um… Sir… Can we report to you something?” “Yes anything.” Legend said. Scooter gestured to Blazey that he wanted to talk next. “Miradian’s tower looked broken and abandoned.” “Hmm…” Legend muttered, “I will report to the King dragon immediately, thank you for telling me.”
Chapter 3 “I am grateful that you told me legend.” King spoke. “Thank you sir,” Legend said as he bowed deeply. “I would like Blazey and Scooter to come to my castle immediately.” Announced King. Scooter and Blazey flew to the castle as quickly as they could. King told Blazey and Scooter that he had sent some dragons to check out the tower. “Can we have some thing to eat?” Blazey asked. “Yeah, I‘ve nearly starved to death here.” Scooter mumbled. “Do you want a sandwich, milk and cookies?” King asked. “Milk and cookies, please!” Blazey and Scooter shouted. As they ate some cookies and milk, the guard dragons came back and told King that Scooter and Blazey were the only ones that good fix it, as they were the only ones small enough. Blazey and Scooter discussed their plan over night. Once the plan was agreed, they slept and waited for tomorrow…
Chapter 4 “You ready to build?” Bull the Double Terra dragon asked. Blazey and Scooter nodded. “One, two, three, BUILD!” Bull yelled. Blazey and Scooter built quickly, carefully, slowly, from the inside out! Finally it’s the time they pushed the magical button…
The final chapter So they did, they pushed the magical button… The Miradian dragon rushed out of its tower and gold rushed out of its tower and god flew everywhere! Months after the Miradian dragon’s release, Dragon City has became more wealthy and grown in popularity. All thanks to Blazey and Scooter.