Deployed PKI in Higher Education An Overview
Goal Find Institutions that have end-user-focused PKI up and running, and document their experiences Some institutions are moving past “the issues”… “the issues” Who’s out there doing it? … to deploying PKI– Is it a Project? App-focused? Departmental? Campus- wide?
Known End-user Cert Deployments Dartmouth College Georgia Tech MIT University of Pittsburgh University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston University of Virginia … and others
Deployed End-user PKI-enabled Applications At GaTech, certs authenticate remote access users; required at GTRI At University of Pittsburgh, students purchase books and other resources on-line At Dartmouth, certs sign messages At MIT, certs authenticate remote users, permit access to restricted Web sites, etc. Stay Tuned – UT HSC, Houston
ETR – Extending the Reach NMI grant initiative via NSF 9 respondents Various levels of deployment, mostly LDAP, some Shib State- and region-wide (AL, IN, MI, NJ, VT, CalState, Great Plains) Proposals seek to expand infrastructure and other resources using NMI-based middleware
State-based PKI deployments … At the state level: Illinois – certs deployed to date (Nov. 2003), 2100 / month being sent out New Jersey – for state gov’t and business use, some 5K-6K deployed usw More information to come re: Arkansas Nebraska
Observations Despite “the issues”, PKI is being deployed to end-users in useful and functional ways Variety of applications – class registration and grades tracking, , VPN, e-store, The technology is enabling (multi-app, multi- fn) Addresses legislation requirements (e-sign, HIPAA, Deployed user certs tend to be purchased from vendors (RSA, Thawte, VeriSign,
Deployed PKI in Higher Education Thank You Nathan Faut