Act 2 The Diary of Anne Frank
Plague Verb To cause continual annoyance, trouble, or distress Synonyms: bother, torment Antonyms: aid, help
Exquisite Adjective Extremely beautiful Synonyms: elegant, delicate, admirable Antonyms: flawed, imperfect, ugly
Disconsolate Adjective Sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled. Synonyms: dejected, cheerless Antonyms: cheerful, happy
Ravenous Adjective Extremely hungry Synonyms: starved Antonyms: satisfied, full
Reverberate Verb To ring or echo with sound. Synonyms: echo, resound Antonyms: quiet
Ransack Verb To search thoroughly Synonyms: scour, comb through, pillage Antonyms: give, offer, protect
Tattered Adjective Worn to shreds-typically referring to clothing. Synonyms: battered, shabby, frayed Autonyms: well kept