INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH: How would you feel if you were hiding out with seven others in a cramped space for two years? (BACKGROUND INFORMATION: WHO? AND WHY?)…………… Even though Anne changed a lot while in hiding, she still had very troubling relationships with everyone, especially Mrs. Vann Daan and Mrs. Frank. (Thesis) RED=HOOK PURPLE=THESIS
BODY PARAGRAPH #1: One of Anne Frank's most difficult relationships was with Mrs. Van Daan. Anne and Mrs. Van Daan had a hard time getting along with each other many times. First, ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… (include 2 pieces of evidence (quotes) and then ELABORATE after each quote)
BODY PARAGRAPH #2: Although Anne definitely had a difficult time getting along with Mrs. Van Daan, she also had a strained relationship with her mother Mrs. Frank. Anne clearly mentions this in her diary. First, she writes, “………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ( include 2 quotes/evidence and elaborate on each quot/evidence) PURPLE=transition phrase from body 1 into body 2
CONCLUSION As you can see, Anne had very difficult relationships with both Mrs. Van Daan and Mrs. Frank. Anne might have had difficult relationships with everyone in the Annex, but she ended up learning to tolerate others and she matured in her time occupying the secret annex.