37 year old grassroots organization that unites and empowers people of all ethnic backgrounds in Iowa, to identify issues and take action to win economic, environmental and social justice in our communities 3,300 dues paying members in 99 counties in Iowa 4 main issue areas: Fighting Factory Farms Worker Justice and Immigrant Rights Fighting Predatory Lending Getting money out of politics Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
What counts as wage theft? Standard wage theft Illegal deductions Misclassification Not Paying Overtime Wage Theft Report released in August 2012 by CCI, University of Iowa and The Iowa Policy Project found: Workers in Iowa miss out on $600 million a year due to wage theft Wage theft costs Iowans $68 million in lost revenue and unpaid taxes Most Affected Industries- Restaurant, Construction and Cleaning Service Industries Most Affected Populations- Low-wage workers, Immigrants and Minorities Wage Theft in Iowa
Organizing for change: Jose and Miguel’s case Case report on subcontractor of Hubbell Wage theft for over $2,000 Workers organized, put pressure at all levels Conversations with Hubbell since March 2012 on anti wage theft clause Workers recovered wages, subcontractor no longer working for Hubbell Hubbell Realty has worked with CCI to adopt an anti wage theft clause on subcontractor agreements: If a subcontractor is found to be engaging in wage theft at a Hubbell project, it could have its contract TERMINATED CCI members recovered wages from a subcontractor of Hubbell in Sept. 2012
Best business practices Stop wage theft! Wage theft is a serious issue that affects all of us: businesses, workers, community Pay your workers in a fair, timely manner Provide paystubs and records for employees and sub-sub contractors – it’s easy, there are even templates online Pay overtime and don’t engage in payroll fraud (misclassification) Budget your business accordingly – ensure your business has a “cushion” Federal labor law applies to everyone: US citizens and immigrants, documented or undocumented You CANNOT withhold wages just because someone is undocumented. CCI members meet with Senator Harkin on Nov. 8, 2012