“I Can Do Laundry” Social Story Ryan’s Social Story
Gather Dirty Items
Sort Whites/Colors
Turn on Washing Machine
Open Washing Machine
Add Laundry Detergent
Add Clothes
Close Washing Machine Lid
Rationale Ryan is currently working on completing a 3-step vocational task (laundry) using a visual schedule and picture sequence along with physical assistance and verbal prompts. This vocational task allows Ryan to complete a task independently just as a nondisabled peer would. It is important for Ryan to have a social story when completing his vocational tasks. Ryan has a disorder known as Angelman’s Syndrome. Similar to children with Autism, children with Angelman Syndrome (AS) all exhibit severe speech and language disabilities. He is nonverbal. Many students with AS rely on various forms of augmentative and alternative communication to supplement and/or replace inadequate, non-conventional, and/or socially inappropriate methods of communication. Children with AS typically rely on multiple methods of unaided (non speech vocalizations, natural gestures, etc.) as well as aided communication (non electronic and electronic aides, etc.). Being able to communicate effectively with others has been tied to how successful one will be, whether it is in the school setting or workplace. Communication is also important for establishing and maintaining relationships with others.