Egypt paid a great attention to joining the international conventions and treaties relating to intellectual property rights according to importance of intellectual property rights to protect creations & innovations in Egypt, Attracted more foreign investments. Also, Egyptian government paid a great attention to the successive systems of intellectual property protection and the beginning of the trademark law and trade data issued by Law No. (57) for the year 1939, starting by the Law of Patents and Industrial Designs Law No. (132) of 1949, And the law of copyright protection of the law No. (354) for the year 1954 and ending with the Law No. 82 of 2002, which includes the protection of intellectual property rights in various fields.
It is established in 1951 by the laws 132 of 1951 and related now to the Academy of scientific research and technology since The new law 82/2002 was published on 3/6/2002 and new protected area was added to the new law (Utility model, Layout Design & Integrated Circuit and Undisclosed Information). Egyptian patent office become international search and examination office in 2009.
Egypt is a member of: WIPO since Paris convention since 1/7/1951. Strasbourg agreement (Concerning the International Patent Classification ) since 17/10/1975. TRIPS agreement (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ) since World trade organization since PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty ) since 2003.
Intellectual property rights derive its norms in the Arab Republic of Egypt from several sources, some international and some national. Conventions are international treaties signed by the Arab Republic of Egypt international source, while an Intellectual Property Protection Act No. 82 of 2002 represents its national source : 1.National sources. 2.International sources.
Were the first laws on industrial property rights in 1939 when it issued the Law of Trademarks, Commercial Data, No. 57 of 1939 In 1940 Law No. 11 of 1940 on the sale of shops and mortgage In 1949 a law was passed Patents and Industrial Designs No. 132 of 1949 and a law was passed trade names, No. 55 of 1951 Concerning the protection of literary and artistic property, Act No. 354 of 1954 on the protection of copyright. In 2002, Act No. 82 of 2002 on Protection of Intellectual Property Rights addressed most of the forms of this law of IP in one piece of legislation after they had been scattered in the various laws.
The Paris Convention Berne Convention TRIPS agreement. Patent Cooperation Treaty(PCT).
Egyptian patent office National Center for Research Centre for Research and development of metals Al-Azhar University Mansoura University Oriental Weavers Cairo University Zagazig University Alexandria University Mubarak City for Scientific Research and Technology Applications Center of Preventive Medicine Social Suez Canal University Menoufia University The Ministry of Industry Minia University Assiut University Helwan University
1.Promote a culture of intellectual property rights (Encouragement of faculty members, researchers and students to apply for a patent). 2.Facilitating patent application for the inventor. 3.Easy to make the required modifications through the Office of the contact point. 4. Provide technical advice and legal services and the registration, evaluation and management of intellectual property rights. 5. Support the inventor through the Office of the contact point.
6. Support the inventor through the Office of the contact point. 7. Monitoring and follow-up of legal developments, economic and technical in the fields of intellectual property and information technology.
Number of patentfaculty 14 Faculty of Agriculture 12 Faculty of Engineering 4 faculty of science 2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 2 Institute for postgraduate and research 2 National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries 1Faculty of Pharmacy 1Faculty of Medicine 1Faculty of Dentistry 1Faculty of Fine Arts