KZN Community of Practice Lessons learned Roy Dandala Project Manager
Dannhauser Estcourt Hlanganani
Weeds are the biggest problem Storage Livestock
Access – markets currently (maize now sold locally) Access to inputs – Depend on Government for inputs – Middleman Access to – maize markets (further afield)
Hands on Farmers are eager to learn
Farmers are willing to pay/invest when they recognize benefits Farmers see the departments extension service as a “farming service” (ie. They will do soil samples, ploughing etc.) rather than as a source of information and extension service
Commercial farmers are willing to help farmers
Facilitation is required – Inputs, markets, finance, training, information (where to get what and how) Liaison with Agricultural services – Eg. Grain SA, input suppliers, marketing services Connecting/mentorship with commercial farmers who are willing to help
Thank you